Kjemi's posts
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: Oh no, I'd rather finish it first! It shouldn't take too long, I'll probably have it ready tomorrow~<3

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: Ahh I'll add you to the list and let you know once I'm done!

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Yaaas I sketched him and gave him a sweater that says "Bee mine honey" and he's gonna be so cute. Can't wait to finish him. And omg yasss moths are so precious. I never kill them. They just don't do anything. Fuzzy butterflies... I also thought of spider ocs but...that'd be tough...spidermoth though ...that's a ship I think i can get behind
Nodnod...it makes sense... except the part where you like coffee... T uT bitter bean water
Yeah I can understand why my parents complained when I didn't clean up or help around the house.... the body just...becomes weak...RIP. I hope your kids grow up clean and tidy
Calling for appointments is the worst cause ...you can accidentally mess up a detail and it'd be so lame ;A;... here sadly we have to make an appointment unless its an emergency and you can go there but they'd rather you call. But wow they made you talk even though you couldn't? ;A; that sucks omg what if you just couldn't make a single sound??
It's good to have that as an option when you need to be more awake! Plus is helpful not to sleep with a wet head.... get sick easier I heard.
;A; to be honest I wouldn't know where to look... and I really don't have much to offer either. I'd do art as payment but ; u ; idk if others would accept it
Omg that's so nice!!! Warms the heart that ocs get good homes and lots of art <3
// The benefits of artist...you're poor but you can gift art.... eue
Omg yesss I personally love people that encourage the crazy hair colours ;u; it makes you realize how open some people actually are and yeah
Nodnod...it makes sense... except the part where you like coffee... T uT bitter bean water
Yeah I can understand why my parents complained when I didn't clean up or help around the house.... the body just...becomes weak...RIP. I hope your kids grow up clean and tidy
Calling for appointments is the worst cause ...you can accidentally mess up a detail and it'd be so lame ;A;... here sadly we have to make an appointment unless its an emergency and you can go there but they'd rather you call. But wow they made you talk even though you couldn't? ;A; that sucks omg what if you just couldn't make a single sound??
It's good to have that as an option when you need to be more awake! Plus is helpful not to sleep with a wet head.... get sick easier I heard.
;A; to be honest I wouldn't know where to look... and I really don't have much to offer either. I'd do art as payment but ; u ; idk if others would accept it
Omg that's so nice!!! Warms the heart that ocs get good homes and lots of art <3
// The benefits of artist...you're poor but you can gift art.... eue
Omg yesss I personally love people that encourage the crazy hair colours ;u; it makes you realize how open some people actually are and yeah

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Right! Once things turn serious you know the friendship is gonna be strong
I think I tried like other things than chibi, once tried to draw a fox, but yeah... it just doesn't look like the original at all xD
Omg yass I can't wait to hear of the developments! *o* it's really cool to hear about your ocs TuT
Oh wait maybe it's not a raccoon? I'm gonna check ...oh yeah I must've translated wrong before and thought it was raccoon...turns out the right animals was a badger...but they look cute too Tu T ...
Ahh, I 've never heard of cats that didn't like wet food... but cats are all different so it makes sense! And yeah, wet food can get lots of bacterias ..cause it's wet xD Do you give your cats snacks? Do they have favourites?
That's a good attitude (i...cant remembre how to spell it anymore..im sleepy ;u, ) to have! I am sure he can do it too !
I always get sad when I hear stories on TV where people neglect their pets by letting their kids look after them ;A; and just..poor animals.
Yes he is! Very good boy ;u;
That'd be a very eye catching and mysterious name! Go for it!
I think I tried like other things than chibi, once tried to draw a fox, but yeah... it just doesn't look like the original at all xD
Omg yass I can't wait to hear of the developments! *o* it's really cool to hear about your ocs TuT
Oh wait maybe it's not a raccoon? I'm gonna check ...oh yeah I must've translated wrong before and thought it was raccoon...turns out the right animals was a badger...but they look cute too Tu T ...
Ahh, I 've never heard of cats that didn't like wet food... but cats are all different so it makes sense! And yeah, wet food can get lots of bacterias ..cause it's wet xD Do you give your cats snacks? Do they have favourites?
That's a good attitude (i...cant remembre how to spell it anymore..im sleepy ;u, ) to have! I am sure he can do it too !
I always get sad when I hear stories on TV where people neglect their pets by letting their kids look after them ;A; and just..poor animals.
Yes he is! Very good boy ;u;
That'd be a very eye catching and mysterious name! Go for it!

Posted in Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
Posted 7 years ago
I don't really...err watch specific people alot? I suppose LifeOfBoris and Corpsehusband are the ones I mainly follow ;u;

Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago
Cleric! Healing everyone ~

Posted in Which Pokemon follows the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago
Sandslash !

Posted in Would you rather?
Posted 7 years ago
climb a 50 km hight mountain. or at least try..
Would you rather be an angel or a demon?
Would you rather be an angel or a demon?

Posted in Ring or Fling?
Posted 7 years ago
Ring. I feel like Raxton would take me to new places and that seems fun

Posted in Make A Wish, Ruin A Wish
Posted 7 years ago
Granted...but your ideas are too much for everyone and people think you're insane..
I wish time would go faster
I wish time would go faster

Posted in What is the last thing you drew?
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: I think for some odd reason in some of my topics the pings don't work completely ? o-o so its okay ! And thank you, I'm not sure how we do it myself..

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: yep! And it's good to expose yourself to them a little so you can grow tougher.. at least on most things!
That's a good idea! I would love to see it once you're done!
It's a fun trip, trying to find a style that works! And honestly there are so many chibi styles...as a younger kiddo I didn't really realize it until I started out trying different things.
Ooh that's a good idea! The siblings might not like it ;A; and the poor best friend could be murdered, that'd be really sad.
That makes total sense! I don't think I've done it like that myself...As you say it gives characters more personality by having them go through tough things, but I think I improvise with that rather than take something I struggle with...I should maybe try it though!
Raccoons have such a cute design but.. I honestly...fear them so much. ;A; my friends told me they can bite your leg and crush your bones and ever since I've been deadly afraid.
*u* that's so good! I'm thinking that when I get another cat I'll try to feed it different things and do research for the best diet for them! I used to just give my old one hard food, with maybe some wet food as a treat....ahh I miss her so much.
That's awesome! I hope he can do it and help lots of animals and their owners. Vets are amazing people.
Yeah! Or parents that get pets and just let kids look after them...like noo...you..you need to make sure that pet actually gets taken care of right! ;A;
Omg ..Dexter...my heart... so precious... I would've done the same thing.
Well there is time to prepare ...or you can go with your ocs :0 like you mentioned earlier that'd be cool too
That's a good idea! I would love to see it once you're done!
It's a fun trip, trying to find a style that works! And honestly there are so many chibi styles...as a younger kiddo I didn't really realize it until I started out trying different things.
Ooh that's a good idea! The siblings might not like it ;A; and the poor best friend could be murdered, that'd be really sad.
That makes total sense! I don't think I've done it like that myself...As you say it gives characters more personality by having them go through tough things, but I think I improvise with that rather than take something I struggle with...I should maybe try it though!
Raccoons have such a cute design but.. I honestly...fear them so much. ;A; my friends told me they can bite your leg and crush your bones and ever since I've been deadly afraid.
*u* that's so good! I'm thinking that when I get another cat I'll try to feed it different things and do research for the best diet for them! I used to just give my old one hard food, with maybe some wet food as a treat....ahh I miss her so much.
That's awesome! I hope he can do it and help lots of animals and their owners. Vets are amazing people.
Yeah! Or parents that get pets and just let kids look after them...like noo...you..you need to make sure that pet actually gets taken care of right! ;A;
Omg ..Dexter...my heart... so precious... I would've done the same thing.
Well there is time to prepare ...or you can go with your ocs :0 like you mentioned earlier that'd be cool too

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: You're right >u< Bumblebees are super peaceful and just only want their flowers~ Now i kinda wanna make a bumblebee OC. AND A WASP OC AS A VILLAIN?
Well maybe now you just got used to other things and find sweetness too much ? :0 I should probably cut down on my sugar intake... but I'm so bad at quitting
I figured as much eue" I feel old but I'm actually pretty young....how will I survive like 40 more years when I already feel like I'm 50 ono"
It's good to train yourself! Cause if you don't and just keep avoiding it (like me ) it ends up just worse =u=" but wow you really haven't had to call for a doctor appointment??? :0 I remember the only time my dad helped me out was when I literally lost my voice and couldn't talk.. wait or maybe I had to walk there and write on a paper that I needed a doctor...I'm not sure what happened but I didn't call!
I feel like warm showers make me sleep while chillier ones wake me more up..the worst feeling is stepping out of a warm shower into a cold room.
Cause I've talked to you I've been burning to get an adoptable and I've looked far and wide but nothing that I liked was cheap enough and I am so poor but I want pretty adoptable to look after...it's a struggle. I hope the OC you traded away is well treated now
Ahh so nice that they order art! ^^" One friend considered commisioning me but realized she couldn't afford it if she was going to pay me fairly so she asked for a birthday present instead.
I always get excited when I see people with coloured hair. I've seen old ladies and soccer moms with purples and pinks in their hairs though. I don't think anyone has ever actually treated me poorly cause of my hair ?But I have this special charm with older people... most of them automatically like me
Well maybe now you just got used to other things and find sweetness too much ? :0 I should probably cut down on my sugar intake... but I'm so bad at quitting
I figured as much eue" I feel old but I'm actually pretty young....how will I survive like 40 more years when I already feel like I'm 50 ono"
It's good to train yourself! Cause if you don't and just keep avoiding it (like me ) it ends up just worse =u=" but wow you really haven't had to call for a doctor appointment??? :0 I remember the only time my dad helped me out was when I literally lost my voice and couldn't talk.. wait or maybe I had to walk there and write on a paper that I needed a doctor...I'm not sure what happened but I didn't call!
I feel like warm showers make me sleep while chillier ones wake me more up..the worst feeling is stepping out of a warm shower into a cold room.
Cause I've talked to you I've been burning to get an adoptable and I've looked far and wide but nothing that I liked was cheap enough and I am so poor but I want pretty adoptable to look after...it's a struggle. I hope the OC you traded away is well treated now
Ahh so nice that they order art! ^^" One friend considered commisioning me but realized she couldn't afford it if she was going to pay me fairly so she asked for a birthday present instead.
I always get excited when I see people with coloured hair. I've seen old ladies and soccer moms with purples and pinks in their hairs though. I don't think anyone has ever actually treated me poorly cause of my hair ?But I have this special charm with older people... most of them automatically like me