Kjemi's posts
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Well.. You're super nice to me too! We're on even grounds!
A the queen bee is super cool. I like this cloak. It's nice . And the cable is a good idea *o* I .. was too lazy to buy extras ...probably gonna regret that later but ah well. at least I have one already
Ahh ;u; I see I see. Yeah they are...I was ..lucky cause I bought a crate and got the cake one... ;u; I think maybe cakes will be cheaper eventually since more people can get it?
And you're right Panda ;u; but I'm sure the time will come
A the queen bee is super cool. I like this cloak. It's nice . And the cable is a good idea *o* I .. was too lazy to buy extras ...probably gonna regret that later but ah well. at least I have one already
Ahh ;u; I see I see. Yeah they are...I was ..lucky cause I bought a crate and got the cake one... ;u; I think maybe cakes will be cheaper eventually since more people can get it?
And you're right Panda ;u; but I'm sure the time will come

Posted in Insert a title that will make you want to click
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: That's true! Mostly you'd actually house sit ^^; but gotta give the cat the pats and the rubs and the xuddles.
Yeah! He's my inspiration, he understands cats like no one does! *o* teaches them to behave and finds out what bothers them... that's so amazing. And I'm glad I'm not alone on the jealousy part ahh ;u; its like... you feel special when they chose you and then they go off trying to chose others like no way, that's not fair.
They don't ? That's a bit sad ;A; woah bird shaped toys that make sound? We only got balls and mice toys here *o* maybe feathers
Yeah! He's my inspiration, he understands cats like no one does! *o* teaches them to behave and finds out what bothers them... that's so amazing. And I'm glad I'm not alone on the jealousy part ahh ;u; its like... you feel special when they chose you and then they go off trying to chose others like no way, that's not fair.
They don't ? That's a bit sad ;A; woah bird shaped toys that make sound? We only got balls and mice toys here *o* maybe feathers

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Oh don't get me started on dudes and clothes...there is a reason I only have like... 2...dude characters and 1000 girls. ; u ; wait no I have 3 and that was hard enough... ;u;

Posted 7 years ago
Well when have you only small wheels on your shoes, it can be a bit hard to keep balance and move *o*
And woah Unicorn! How do you like Ghost Whisperer? It's one of my favourite series! I love the main character so much, she's so amazing *u*
And woah Unicorn! How do you like Ghost Whisperer? It's one of my favourite series! I love the main character so much, she's so amazing *u*

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Aww nono I'm not that nice ; u ; It's just really nice talking to you and we have quite alot in common!
Oh yeah that does make sense! *u* I recently bought stuff so I don't have that much myself so I can understand. Good luck getting your item!!
@Panda: Ahh ;u; it would be an honor to draw for you
Oh yeah that does make sense! *u* I recently bought stuff so I don't have that much myself so I can understand. Good luck getting your item!!
@Panda: Ahh ;u; it would be an honor to draw for you

Posted in Insert a title that will make you want to click
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: It does! ;u; omg a job I want more than anything... But you are right..some cats don't like strangers or generally new people.... but I will become...the cat whisperer. Learn cats and their behaviour... hoho. I know I'd be a bit jealous if my cats like someone else.. ;u, at least if they liked others more than me TuT
Ahh I can relate... having privacy is nice...gives you a possiblity to relax
Ahh new toys *o* I hope they will love them. I remember my old cat, she loved to play fetch...err and put her toys in my bed...^^" she was so sweet ;u; And it's good they get along now. They can have each others backs. Bless
Ahh I can relate... having privacy is nice...gives you a possiblity to relax
Ahh new toys *o* I hope they will love them. I remember my old cat, she loved to play fetch...err and put her toys in my bed...^^" she was so sweet ;u; And it's good they get along now. They can have each others backs. Bless

Posted 7 years ago
Ahhh roller skating looks so fun. I did that as a kid but... not for long *o* 101

Posted in Make A Wish, Ruin A Wish
Posted 7 years ago
Granted, but now it's super sharp. You keep over thinking everything. It never stops. You know too much. It's hard to sleep.
I wish I had a dishwasher
I wish I had a dishwasher

Posted in Which Pokemon follows the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Rate The Avatar Above You
Posted 7 years ago
9/10 Reminds me of tinkerbell, but the frog hat and bow clash...

Posted 7 years ago
@Panda: Ahh thank you ! And yeah I've noticed you guys have talked quite a bit haha ;u; but it's a good thing I imagine !

Posted 7 years ago
Hello everyone! I have arrived :3c to chat. What's going on?
97 (I think?)
97 (I think?)

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Baphomet: Ahh that's a good plan! I'll probably draw a bit later too *o*

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Baphomet: How was your sleep? Any plans for today ?