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Posted in Eugh... Posted 4 years ago
@milkshake: The rpbolem is if I don't try and keep my tone pleasant, I literally sound like I'm constantly being sarcastic. Like when I say I'm really enjoying something, it's that flat tone you typically get defensive around because... It's the sarcasm tone. But to me it's just me relaxing.
Posted in Eugh... Posted 4 years ago
@Aisukohi: I get that. I work customer service for the longest and sometimes I just want to like, relax my voice without being mistaken for being rood. >.<

@Shark: Fair... I also am not the type to just get all sassy because someone is playing a game, even if I am dreadfully bored and want attention. I'm not the type to like get all passive agressive. So it's like.. OwO I haven't even got properly sassy with anyone yet. So hoping it's not immediately thought of as grumpy.

@Priestess of Pie: I have to use it with everyone. I also have to smile a lot because apparently I have super bad resting bitch face syndrome.
Posted in Eugh... Posted 4 years ago
Any people on here who sometimes get tired of using their "pleasant" voice.

Like yesterday this guy I just started datingwas playing game and I just got tired of having to use that soft femme voice. So I just relaxed my voice and I tried to be like, "I'm having a lot of fun right now, seriously. Play the game." and it came off as horribly sarcastic and passive. But honest to god I felt like if I didn't just relax for a coupld moments my throat was gonna snap.

Like I was honestly having fun watching. xD But holy hell I know I sounded like a bitch. Immediately I apologized and whatnot but yeah... Idk.

Dating is weird, vocal pitch in conversation is a thing.

I just wanna chill, man. Like having to use my cutesy voice all the time just sucks.
Posted in I can't figure it outtt! Posted 4 years ago
@Deaa: Both, honestly. I have a name for the "evil" opposing force but the good guys have yet to be named.
@Bioshock: I actually once started a "save the bootie" petition in a dungeon chat before. Everyone wants a fucking butt slider, just give it to me already.

Fair. It's still annoying that the one character I actually liked in the game that was a main was still like, ruined by the writers. Alisae is ok. xD I know she has that cute little crush thing going on but she's honestly not my fave. Doing dungeons with her she'd limit break so many times I just couldn't even take her anymore. xD But she's okay I guess. xD for a straight WoL or bi she might be cute... Well, I don't know their ages. It seems like they are supposed to be teenagers (in that case eek.) but it also sounds like they are technically young adults?? I have 0 idea.

LOL! My WoL rn was a dragoon who had to fite him and she hates his internal organs so much she wouldn't feed them to an enraged primal. But I mean, otherwise he's kinda meh. I think Urianger has far better tall, dark, and mysterious vibes. And he's attractive, and SMART AF! Like holy lickity splitz! :viohearteyes:

She does, and I agree. I wouldn't ship WoL but I think her finding a male or female S/O would be adorable. Even if she was poly or whatever just to keep fans entertained would be like... I just feel like she scrifices soooo much for the team and people kinda take her for granted sometimes.
Posted in I can't figure it outtt! Posted 4 years ago
What would be a good name for a supernatural "police" force? Like a privatized police force kinda thing?
@Bioshock: Lol! I love that. I stopped getting too into the RP side of the game a while back. A lot of people are just kinda like, there for the raids. so it got boring suuuuper fast.

Lyse disappointed me soooo much in stormblood. Like, I liked her initially because she was ditzy as a front, but smart af and everyone underestimated her and she always showed them up. And she was silly. Now it's like they are slowly turning her into minfilia and I just can't... I feel like she was far better when she was masquerading as Yda. Alisae is okay. she has her moments where I wishe she'd pipe down a bit. xD But I do think they are pretty strong characters. Idk, moenbryda just just like, different from all the other NPCs in the game. She like like... idk if you watch vampire diaraies, but she was like Lexi. Just sassy, confident, funny, unafraid to show both raw strength and mental aquity and I girl crushed soooo hard. TwT

lol. Estinien was eh... I liked Hauchefaunt quite a bit for my character's romance. I always say "they killed my hubs in ff14 and I shall not forgiveee!" xD But yeah I wish there were more NPC romances tbh. Y'shtola deserves happiness.
@Bioshock: Who. Knows. But it seems dumb. xD

I don't wanna spoil because ShB, I did get half way through almost... But it sets a precedent in a way. So like, I'm hoping. Bring her back, or make a main side character like her. Because her sass and her handling things was brilliant.

xD I died. Y'shtola with Thancred is such a mood, telling who the what's where all the time. But yeah, no one would mind it. OwO
@Bioshock: Yeah.. Idk specifics but when we lived out in the boonies in MO when I was like, 3-10 we had to not tell anyone if we buried our dogs/cats because we'd get in trouble. OwO

I will never... and I mean NEVER get over moenbryda. I literally wanted to end Minfilia myself when Moen-bear died. She was literally the ONE good character in that whole scene. The one character I instantly adored. Like, if anyone should come back to life in this game, they better fucking bring my Moenbryda back or I will friggin riot. (I just realized I cursed in this but that's how strongly I feel about that.)

But Y'shtola is just like, attractive, smart, powerful... Like she doesn't take crap from anyone and I love her. Y'shtola can step on me, I'm ok with that. xD
So I sent the e-mail the other day, waiting to see if the prof will get back to me. I just get hesitant because it's summer break for some profs so It's likely I won't get an answer any time soon anyways. Lol


@Bioshock: It's actually illegal in most places to bury them in your back yard.. For me it's better to like, have their ashes and scatter them in their favorite spot. xD I dunno I just don't like the idea of just like, not having something for them that's special. And most crematories give keepsake hair locks, and pawprint tiles with the deceased's paw prints which is just precious. Idk, it just seems like something my sentimental arse would od.

I have told people, Minfilia is literally a nerd's eye candy in this game. She has no point. I mean she stood there in front of a portal in shock long enough to be pushed through, she COULD HAVE DODGED! I believe she is to BLAME for the death of the one character I loved and I just... I will never forgive that. When I heard she died I praised eevery ff14 god. But I never trusted thancred after the lahabrea thing. And I don't think he's old so much as older than her. Maybe in the teens of difference in age. But honestly he's just not an intriguing character. Y'shtola doesn't get any credit for being such a strong female character. She just like... oh she's good. Most of the other characters are great but Thancred and Minfilia were both what killed the story for me. I literally was like "if I have to save this useless damsel one more time, I quit." Cause I swear, that's all a lot of the "save the companion" quests were about. Minfilia is missing. Minfilia got kidnapped. Minfilia... She's cursed for sure.
@Xanthan: Thing is I don't know who the current is, and so far, only one person is listed as past profs so I imagine they'd be the same? I know they don't mind but since I'm not even enrolled yet I always feel soooo weird.
@Bioshock: Feeling a bit better.

So far we are looking and there's a bit of a deductable bit that's a pain in the arse. Lol. But, anyways, uhm... Trying. My mom heard about how they cover crematory services in case he needs to be put down, or when he gets old and passes away. And she's like "man, your mommy really loves you. I'd just bury you in the back yard." And I just... /.\ ffs. LOL.
But she was like "you know depending on the illness he gets that he needs treatment for, it may be better to put him to sleep." She almost had me crying. xD Ollie is only turning 3 this year so even thinking about him passing away is like. Nope.... He's living forever. xD I know 13 years is like his breed's max but still he is my baby. I just couldn't. xD

Shadowbringers is a whooole thing. I got half way through before starting my new character. But I haven't finished it yet so no spoilers! I was just happy minfilia is DEAD. I haaate Minfilia. omg she irked me since I first met her in the game she's soooo dense.
All fall classes for this year are going to be remote learning. So I wanted to plan out my year 2 courses for things I think I'd do best with. So I'm looking at art classes. There's digital and integrated practices that I want to take so I can get some basic animation experience later on. But the syllabus for this class doesn't give me much in specifics on what's being taught. And I want to make sure it's what I think it is.

Is it okay to message previous/regular teachers of this class to get ore details on the course? Or should I not, because it's not acceptable?