Lucifera's posts
Posted in Lucifera's Play Pen
Posted 5 years ago
Latest video! Made errors in editing but I really like the artwork I made from it! Thought I'd share in here to see if anyone has any tips for me. =)
Latest video! Made errors in editing but I really like the artwork I made from it! Thought I'd share in here to see if anyone has any tips for me. =)

Posted in Finally following my dreams~!
Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: oof. I forgot about this thread. xD I am working my nerve up for voice overs! This week I honestly don't know if I'll post tomorrow like I usually do because my hands haven't been cooperating with drawing, so I'm going to sketch a bit, and whatever looks paintable I'll post either late tomorrow, wednesday... But I quit starbucks so now I can put more time into this. (didn't do it for that. SB is a horrid company.)

Posted in Dude.. xD FF14 is getting more toxic these days
Posted 5 years ago
@Bioshock: Yesss... Ugh. I told a mutual friend about this and he's like "You shouldn't have said anything. People like to report you for any random reason on here." And I'm just like. -_-; Bizznitch, don't you dare, you tell me stand up for myself one day then say nothing the next tf you want?
Aurum vale is exxentially wall hugging. I played that one so much level grinding that like, when there is new people who don't listen to advice from player I am guilty of leaving again. xD I guess it goes both ways. there's people who do things on purpose and don't care, and that I agree. Get upset with a bit But there are those who actually listen/improve and you should actually be nice to those people. xD
When I did raids, it was all with my FC and if anyone said/did anything my FC would be like that mob boss don't-mess-with-my-family level protectin. xD Raids are just so confusing. But these are the like, raids you get that aren't savage... Can't remember what they're called. They aren't worth it imo.
Yesss. And if they apologize repeatedly already, don't be a banana eater.
I just got the quest for dark knight! I really like the idea of playing that tank but I am always scared of being that newb tank that frustrated everyone.
Let me know if you ever wanna run stuff! I will repeatedly take naps becaause I am learning rdm rn, but it'll be fuuuuuun!
@ChiffonOrange: The thing is, it is possible to avoid that experience in ff14, and mostly the community is good. But rn, all the toxic people are crawling out of thei seventh hell to come in and troll because quarantine. And honestly, that's the problem every break. You always wanna play when peoplw will not commonly be at hom cause typically that's when all the nice people are on. xD
you can also have your own party with friends. It doesn't have to be random.
Aurum vale is exxentially wall hugging. I played that one so much level grinding that like, when there is new people who don't listen to advice from player I am guilty of leaving again. xD I guess it goes both ways. there's people who do things on purpose and don't care, and that I agree. Get upset with a bit But there are those who actually listen/improve and you should actually be nice to those people. xD
When I did raids, it was all with my FC and if anyone said/did anything my FC would be like that mob boss don't-mess-with-my-family level protectin. xD Raids are just so confusing. But these are the like, raids you get that aren't savage... Can't remember what they're called. They aren't worth it imo.
Yesss. And if they apologize repeatedly already, don't be a banana eater.
I just got the quest for dark knight! I really like the idea of playing that tank but I am always scared of being that newb tank that frustrated everyone.
Let me know if you ever wanna run stuff! I will repeatedly take naps becaause I am learning rdm rn, but it'll be fuuuuuun!
@ChiffonOrange: The thing is, it is possible to avoid that experience in ff14, and mostly the community is good. But rn, all the toxic people are crawling out of thei seventh hell to come in and troll because quarantine. And honestly, that's the problem every break. You always wanna play when peoplw will not commonly be at hom cause typically that's when all the nice people are on. xD
you can also have your own party with friends. It doesn't have to be random.

Posted in Dude.. xD FF14 is getting more toxic these days
Posted 5 years ago
@Lilypoo: Tbh I rarely deal with the toxicity now. Most trolls get weeded out/reported. And I blacklist anyone whose a grumpy buns so I don't have to encounter them ever again. xD But yeah, it can be pretty gross.
I like playing it. I just try some days to ignore people, but last night was just like, nah, ya know what... I tried to apologize multiple times and say it wasn an accident... And like, he acted like he couldn't handle the pull. Was higher lvl than me like. -_-;
I do think it should be moderated but then again like, everyone plays different. Just wish there was a way for players to like, individually "mute" people in dungeons. Like, they say something or start being rude and you can finish it, but they get and error message any time they try to message you. xD
I like playing it. I just try some days to ignore people, but last night was just like, nah, ya know what... I tried to apologize multiple times and say it wasn an accident... And like, he acted like he couldn't handle the pull. Was higher lvl than me like. -_-;
I do think it should be moderated but then again like, everyone plays different. Just wish there was a way for players to like, individually "mute" people in dungeons. Like, they say something or start being rude and you can finish it, but they get and error message any time they try to message you. xD

Posted in Dude.. xD FF14 is getting more toxic these days
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: I love ff14. Generally the good in the community outweighs the bad. I just always had the luck of pulling in that *one* person who turns the whole thing crap. What gets me, is that if you try and stand up for yourself people will come at you just as much. xD
@Bioshock: The worst part is, I was playing rdm. If I had to spend less time in chat, the mobs would've been easily wiped out. Like yeah, rdm is slow, but the DPS numbers make up for that. And me along with mr. hype man to grumpy tank (drg) we were fine. But I tried like 3 or 4 separate times to apologize and tell them it was an accidentand even in the boss fight they were still harping on it, and so I told them to stop being an arse hole. xD
Tank do get bullied too. typically if I see someone pulling smaller, I get it. But in snowcloak frostbite takes chunks out of health so I try to stay out of it, what I hate is when tanks pull right into it and heals can't keep up and you wipe on minor mobs. There can be times where both tank and heals are new, and I've played all roles in this game. Like, they all have challenges. But I don't think it gives any right for anyone to be so mean.
I also had a tank walk me through Tam tara hard. We wiped thrice because I didn't understand what was happening but not one person in there got rude, they just told me what I could do to do better. Like honestly, I'd expect them to harp on me after three wipes. But no. It shows you can play a game and not be crappy and help people get better.
I have encountered that. My ex's group of friends were serious hardcore raid types, and they turned me off raids and RDM initially because they tracked my DPS. Granted, they weren't doing it like, maliciously. They were trying to tell me how to get my dps up, etc. to be able to do raids. But It was super frustrating because at some point they kinda just said I probably wouldn't do well in raids at all and just kinda gve up. =\
This was super long. but I have so many rants... But Yeah, penalty is worth it. (not even sure if my brain responded to everything.)
PS: I want to tank again because I enjoyed it but, I always get scared I'll fuck up so I don't. xD
@Crystalkitsune85: I never got super into overwatch because of it being a shooter, and a shooter that was harder to aim in then COD. I did play pwi for a while, and yeah there were those people. My strategy was always to try and get to lvl max in pve and then move to pvp server, but pwi was super boring after a while so I'd quit. xD FF14 isn't even a game where you PVP, mainly you're supposed to work as a team to go through dungeons and for some reason that team player mentality goes out the window for some people. They just get super competative.
Like chill, I'm on your side buddy. But I can be not on your side. Also hate how in ff14 the DPS is seen as expendable, but if we didn't do our jobs, heals and tank would die. ugh.
@Bioshock: The worst part is, I was playing rdm. If I had to spend less time in chat, the mobs would've been easily wiped out. Like yeah, rdm is slow, but the DPS numbers make up for that. And me along with mr. hype man to grumpy tank (drg) we were fine. But I tried like 3 or 4 separate times to apologize and tell them it was an accidentand even in the boss fight they were still harping on it, and so I told them to stop being an arse hole. xD
Tank do get bullied too. typically if I see someone pulling smaller, I get it. But in snowcloak frostbite takes chunks out of health so I try to stay out of it, what I hate is when tanks pull right into it and heals can't keep up and you wipe on minor mobs. There can be times where both tank and heals are new, and I've played all roles in this game. Like, they all have challenges. But I don't think it gives any right for anyone to be so mean.
I also had a tank walk me through Tam tara hard. We wiped thrice because I didn't understand what was happening but not one person in there got rude, they just told me what I could do to do better. Like honestly, I'd expect them to harp on me after three wipes. But no. It shows you can play a game and not be crappy and help people get better.
I have encountered that. My ex's group of friends were serious hardcore raid types, and they turned me off raids and RDM initially because they tracked my DPS. Granted, they weren't doing it like, maliciously. They were trying to tell me how to get my dps up, etc. to be able to do raids. But It was super frustrating because at some point they kinda just said I probably wouldn't do well in raids at all and just kinda gve up. =\
This was super long. but I have so many rants... But Yeah, penalty is worth it. (not even sure if my brain responded to everything.)
PS: I want to tank again because I enjoyed it but, I always get scared I'll fuck up so I don't. xD
@Crystalkitsune85: I never got super into overwatch because of it being a shooter, and a shooter that was harder to aim in then COD. I did play pwi for a while, and yeah there were those people. My strategy was always to try and get to lvl max in pve and then move to pvp server, but pwi was super boring after a while so I'd quit. xD FF14 isn't even a game where you PVP, mainly you're supposed to work as a team to go through dungeons and for some reason that team player mentality goes out the window for some people. They just get super competative.
Like chill, I'm on your side buddy. But I can be not on your side. Also hate how in ff14 the DPS is seen as expendable, but if we didn't do our jobs, heals and tank would die. ugh.

Posted in Dude.. xD FF14 is getting more toxic these days
Posted 5 years ago
So I just went into snowcloack, everything's going good. But we get to an area where you have the blizzard bit and if you stand in it you take damage. I thought I was running back the other way to get out of it, and accidentally pulled like 2 things and the tank decided to be a big baby. And it is at this point I am at a point of, it's a mf game... But him and another person start arguing. And I literally just say he can stop being an asshole, and everyone tells me to chill.
Me? Chill? Fr, after I told you I literally accidentally pulled. Then they start another argument, this whole dungeon just blows, and they tell me "just don't pull things." Me: "Again, it was an accident." But wouldn't leave it alone.
So I did what a DPS can do when people wanna be dicks. You think only the healer and tank have impact?
I stopped DPSing, because little tanky wanky's friend tried to get smart. xD They wiped. I dipped.
When I started this game, I didn't understand the mechanics of it all, and was bullied a lot. and it made me want to quit. Now I'm not the best but I get by and have fun with friends. I am level grinding. xD And tbh, now I say something. I don't let myself feel bad. And yeah, I will stop doing my job. I know that we'll wipe if I do. But I have nothing but time, and you got a lesson to learn. xD
Honestly more and more of this happens every time there's a break or something. And if you make a mistake, even if you apologize, people wanna get all grumpy. And I just won't tolerate it anymore. You wanna troll? I can troll right back.
Sorry if this makes me seem bad to y'all, but I'd rather wipe and take the penalty for leaving than be bullied by some lil kids livin in their mama's basement who haven't showered for 2 weeks. :vioangry:
Me? Chill? Fr, after I told you I literally accidentally pulled. Then they start another argument, this whole dungeon just blows, and they tell me "just don't pull things." Me: "Again, it was an accident." But wouldn't leave it alone.
So I did what a DPS can do when people wanna be dicks. You think only the healer and tank have impact?
I stopped DPSing, because little tanky wanky's friend tried to get smart. xD They wiped. I dipped.
When I started this game, I didn't understand the mechanics of it all, and was bullied a lot. and it made me want to quit. Now I'm not the best but I get by and have fun with friends. I am level grinding. xD And tbh, now I say something. I don't let myself feel bad. And yeah, I will stop doing my job. I know that we'll wipe if I do. But I have nothing but time, and you got a lesson to learn. xD
Honestly more and more of this happens every time there's a break or something. And if you make a mistake, even if you apologize, people wanna get all grumpy. And I just won't tolerate it anymore. You wanna troll? I can troll right back.
Sorry if this makes me seem bad to y'all, but I'd rather wipe and take the penalty for leaving than be bullied by some lil kids livin in their mama's basement who haven't showered for 2 weeks. :vioangry:

Posted in Lucifera's Play Pen
Posted 5 years ago
Watercolor paintings:

Posted in Lucifera's Play Pen
Posted 5 years ago
I had a gallery thread so long ago... xD But now I shall have a new one. I kinda wanted to place to share paintings, general sketches, and my videos with you guys so they will be here. And if anyone has any tips for any exercises I can do or vid editing advice I thought here is a good place sooo, even tho I request no posts here, feel free to PM me for chats or send me your hangouts!!

Posted in Minirant : Why do i always have to deal with this?
Posted 5 years ago
@TomYum: The problem is just that. Like, I took 2 different viewpoints, but explained mine. It was over some trivial detail on another website. They asked my opinion and when I pretty much said it wasn't that deep, I understand, but it's not worth making a complaint over, they just started to flip. I just hate that people ask you to give your personal point of view, you give it, and they are upset when you don't agree.
saying someone's feelings are valid, and telling them you get it, doesn't mean you think those beliefs should be imposed on anyone else.
khair mubarak
@LilMissKushy: I guess I tend to attract a lot of negative people then. =\
saying someone's feelings are valid, and telling them you get it, doesn't mean you think those beliefs should be imposed on anyone else.
khair mubarak
@LilMissKushy: I guess I tend to attract a lot of negative people then. =\

Posted in Minirant : Why do i always have to deal with this?
Posted 5 years ago
@Glume: I am trying. It's just super exhausting to the point where I literally just want to stay in and not avoid people. I have the most fun by myself because I can be happy about something without having to worry about being stupid around other people. Mentally I'm just completely drained. I know these people obvi aren't realt friends, but every time it a blow and it just really friggin sucks.
@LilMissKushy: I'm really trying. I honestly felt like I was finally doing good and I had some semblance of normalcy coming and then it's been just constantly something pops up. I just wish there was a magic switch for this kind of thing.
@LilMissKushy: I'm really trying. I honestly felt like I was finally doing good and I had some semblance of normalcy coming and then it's been just constantly something pops up. I just wish there was a magic switch for this kind of thing.

Posted in Minirant : Why do i always have to deal with this?
Posted 5 years ago
@Glume: the entire problem is i do say that. And i try to laugh it off but it doesn’t work. When i try to remind people “sometimes I don’t know so TELL ME.” They decide to just ghost or drop a land mine and I’m breaking down because I am honestly so crushed by all this i barely even want to go to work. And when i do I get so anxious i feel like I’m going to pass out of vomit. I have been almost 4 years sepf harm free but I am struggling to badly right now i know I’m close to relapsing and i just feel like conplete crap.

Posted in Minirant : Why do i always have to deal with this?
Posted 5 years ago
I don’t know how many people I’ve been friends with who I’ve had to explain my history to, and they expect me to be this super all-knowing social land mine navigator.
During my formative years, i had a gap where i was in complete social isolation, and i mever got proper sex ed. Due to growing up in a mjorly abusive conservative muslim middle eastern home.
I do not always KNOW how to navigate controversial topics. I awkwardly phrase things and my thoughts get jumbled because of anxiety and because i see every viewpoint and just don’t know what to say. Do i nod an agree to make you happy? Do i say how i feel?
It seems like i always end up stepping on a land mine where no matter the maneuvers i go through i know there is no winning.
And they seem to not understand, even thought i say it all the time, There is a LOT i am still learning socially. And it is very, very, HARD for me to understand things. At times i am tone deaf, or i just speak my mind because I’m fucking SORRY BUT I DIDNT GET to figure out my life like most people did. I wasn’t even in school. I had no real relationships. And i lived in an areas where there were no neighbors for miles.
I am so freaking TIRED OF THIS. I haven’t even been feeling confident enough to go to work, and i want to quit school because there is always something. And no matter how much i try to apologize or avoid making issues it’s “you’re too quite.” “You’re a joy kill.” Or “you’re too much” and i hate it. I just want to be fucking normal. And I’m sorry if this is agressive but i am drowning and I don’t know what to do anymore.
During my formative years, i had a gap where i was in complete social isolation, and i mever got proper sex ed. Due to growing up in a mjorly abusive conservative muslim middle eastern home.
I do not always KNOW how to navigate controversial topics. I awkwardly phrase things and my thoughts get jumbled because of anxiety and because i see every viewpoint and just don’t know what to say. Do i nod an agree to make you happy? Do i say how i feel?
It seems like i always end up stepping on a land mine where no matter the maneuvers i go through i know there is no winning.
And they seem to not understand, even thought i say it all the time, There is a LOT i am still learning socially. And it is very, very, HARD for me to understand things. At times i am tone deaf, or i just speak my mind because I’m fucking SORRY BUT I DIDNT GET to figure out my life like most people did. I wasn’t even in school. I had no real relationships. And i lived in an areas where there were no neighbors for miles.
I am so freaking TIRED OF THIS. I haven’t even been feeling confident enough to go to work, and i want to quit school because there is always something. And no matter how much i try to apologize or avoid making issues it’s “you’re too quite.” “You’re a joy kill.” Or “you’re too much” and i hate it. I just want to be fucking normal. And I’m sorry if this is agressive but i am drowning and I don’t know what to do anymore.

Posted in Animal Crossing has me by the brain stem
Posted 5 years ago
@Synthetic Nature: They really are! I have been making my island the island of disappearing waterfalls. xD Because I have a lot of watefalls but no apparent streams. And I kinda love it. It's so soothing... But it isn't too complicated. I think I just don't know where I'd put actualy rivers and ponds given that they are such an annoyance to me. \

Posted in Finally following my dreams~!
Posted 5 years ago
@Glume: It is! I just watched some of the youtube academy stuff and I remember them saying no one's first video is ever perfect or good and the only way to do it is just to do it. So I did it. OwO xD Someone did link something inappropriate on my video tho... EEK!
@Totalanimefan: THANK YOU! <3
@Totalanimefan: THANK YOU! <3