Lucifera's posts
Posted in So, I got some new paints....
Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Oooh, I shall have to try ordering something sometime! I'd love to get another tube of paint if possible! I'm like, hooked. =P

Posted in So, I got some new paints....
Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: No problem! Lol.
Nope! True indigo is a very deep, dark, blue dye. And this color is honestly true to that origin.
indeed! I think my hesitation with M. graham though, is the fact that it uses honey as it's binder. And it has been said to be tacky if it's like, a more heavy wash, also a bit shiny. And so that's something I'd have to be careful of but. i'm excited.
Omg... Thank you! And is this legit? Cause like, omg... My sketchbook I bought from my local shop is like, literally half the price... =O
Nope! True indigo is a very deep, dark, blue dye. And this color is honestly true to that origin.
indeed! I think my hesitation with M. graham though, is the fact that it uses honey as it's binder. And it has been said to be tacky if it's like, a more heavy wash, also a bit shiny. And so that's something I'd have to be careful of but. i'm excited.
Omg... Thank you! And is this legit? Cause like, omg... My sketchbook I bought from my local shop is like, literally half the price... =O

Posted in So, I got some new paints....
Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: xD mine too... But I've been like "If it works well compared to cheap stuff, it's worth it." with skincare and hair care and clothes, so I need to apply that to my art supplies. These tubes won't run out fast, and tbh... I use less of them than if I use cotmans... =\ (not bashing any brands but like, I like my vibrancy, first and foremost.)
I am in saskachewan, so like... the worst place in canada ever, tbh. xD Super boring, super concerning levels of addiction/homelessness which makes me super sad... Not great for music or most summer activities. Lol. Like idk how my province is ok. It's as bland as oatmeal.
I heard m graham is good, and Da vinci has good reviews as well. My plans are to build an artist quality palette with colors I love. Rn, I really like Daniel smiths, but I'm sure some other brands will come into my palette over the summer. (So if there are suggestions for the good stuff, bruh... I will buy, try, and see if it's a keeper for my custom or a giveaway. xD )
If you want a nice, dark color that isn't a black, the indigo is like... It's exactly what indigo should me imo. Looks almost black when fully saturated, but a beautiful deep blue/sapphire when diluted. And when added to vibrant colors, brings the vibrancy down for those more dull/shadowed washes. It's my go-to for dulling my mixing for skintones tbh. I learned it from Kellogsloops and it's been a staple since. xD But send me some swatches of the Da vinci! I wanna see if they compare!
You said the magic words, send it to me. xD My grandpa is helping me build a marker storage case and I am going to fill that thing. xD (plus most of my local shops are super high in price on markers so I stopped using them. =\ )
@Kairu: What?!?! you can't get any deliveries at all of like, art supplies? But like, that feels like the most essential thing to me. If anyone kept me from restocking I'd literally go crazy and start rampaging. xD They can take away takeout, and most outings. But if they take my art supplies, it's sacrilege and I will fight them! xD
I am in saskachewan, so like... the worst place in canada ever, tbh. xD Super boring, super concerning levels of addiction/homelessness which makes me super sad... Not great for music or most summer activities. Lol. Like idk how my province is ok. It's as bland as oatmeal.
I heard m graham is good, and Da vinci has good reviews as well. My plans are to build an artist quality palette with colors I love. Rn, I really like Daniel smiths, but I'm sure some other brands will come into my palette over the summer. (So if there are suggestions for the good stuff, bruh... I will buy, try, and see if it's a keeper for my custom or a giveaway. xD )
If you want a nice, dark color that isn't a black, the indigo is like... It's exactly what indigo should me imo. Looks almost black when fully saturated, but a beautiful deep blue/sapphire when diluted. And when added to vibrant colors, brings the vibrancy down for those more dull/shadowed washes. It's my go-to for dulling my mixing for skintones tbh. I learned it from Kellogsloops and it's been a staple since. xD But send me some swatches of the Da vinci! I wanna see if they compare!
You said the magic words, send it to me. xD My grandpa is helping me build a marker storage case and I am going to fill that thing. xD (plus most of my local shops are super high in price on markers so I stopped using them. =\ )
@Kairu: What?!?! you can't get any deliveries at all of like, art supplies? But like, that feels like the most essential thing to me. If anyone kept me from restocking I'd literally go crazy and start rampaging. xD They can take away takeout, and most outings. But if they take my art supplies, it's sacrilege and I will fight them! xD

Posted in So, I got some new paints....
Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: They are! I haven't used royal talens, mainly because I've been so familiar with Daniel smiths, they always come super highly recommended to me... xD I tried Kuretaki gansai, I've tried cotman's tubes and the pan sets, and I Believe I've also played with holbein samples. DS is by far my favorite. It's hard to explain but yeah. xD
Cotmans aren't my favorite. Granted I use student grade because if I went artist grade, I'd be better off paying for DS. =P But they always look so nice wet, then dry so dull for me. Also takes a lot of digging for me to get a good amount of pigment in a wash. So obviously, easy come easy go. But good for sketchbooks/practice which is why I haven't tossed them.
DS is definitely not on the cheap end. xD It's why it took me years and a decent excuse to decide to grab some. 4 colors (i believe theya re mainly from series 1) was $89 CAD. These were 15ml tubes. BUT, a little goes a VERY long way, and I'm hardly digging to get nice colors. If anything I use more water to dilute to get my first wash and water is pretty much free so, imo, idc about that. Lol. They flow nice, each series you can get different features. My french ultramarine granulates a bit which I personally like... Like I am in love with them. All the color swatches I've gotten (got a sample of other popular colors) are beautiful and dry pretty much true to color, with very little dulling.
But yeah. xD Probably more than you wanted to know but I honestly am so happy, and I'm actually building a pallete of DS watercolors over the summer with a goal to have my perfect color pallete by fall. Which means yes, I am gonna get some of the series 2+ that are far steeper in price, but I am taking advantage of this opportunity to build. Lol.
Cotmans aren't my favorite. Granted I use student grade because if I went artist grade, I'd be better off paying for DS. =P But they always look so nice wet, then dry so dull for me. Also takes a lot of digging for me to get a good amount of pigment in a wash. So obviously, easy come easy go. But good for sketchbooks/practice which is why I haven't tossed them.
DS is definitely not on the cheap end. xD It's why it took me years and a decent excuse to decide to grab some. 4 colors (i believe theya re mainly from series 1) was $89 CAD. These were 15ml tubes. BUT, a little goes a VERY long way, and I'm hardly digging to get nice colors. If anything I use more water to dilute to get my first wash and water is pretty much free so, imo, idc about that. Lol. They flow nice, each series you can get different features. My french ultramarine granulates a bit which I personally like... Like I am in love with them. All the color swatches I've gotten (got a sample of other popular colors) are beautiful and dry pretty much true to color, with very little dulling.
But yeah. xD Probably more than you wanted to know but I honestly am so happy, and I'm actually building a pallete of DS watercolors over the summer with a goal to have my perfect color pallete by fall. Which means yes, I am gonna get some of the series 2+ that are far steeper in price, but I am taking advantage of this opportunity to build. Lol.

Posted in So, I got some new paints....
Posted 5 years ago
Daniel Smith watercolors! I've been wanting them for sooooo long. And since I was told I can use WC in my drawing final, I decided a set of primaries (plus indigo because I like to avoid using a true black when I can.) And omg... Y'all I'm hooked. Previously I thought I couldn't get good color payout from my Cotman watercolors because I was just crap at mixing but these colors, even when they dry... Just, amazing. I've been having so much fun because my color mixing has been going awesome and I just... When this project is over I'm just going to hoard colors from this brand. Phenomenal. Anyone else got this feel?

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Exactly. And I mean, I am always happy to inspire people to try new things. =D you never know what hidden jewels lie in the mud until you go digging... (I had to. It was too good.)

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Right! I would have been enraged and turned into that alt demons girls you see all over the place screaming at them through the phone. xDDDD But on the real, respect. she kept it professional for someone in her profession who relies on people in YT to keep their pants on during the work day.
Ayyy! Lol. Same. Tbh idk if what they send will be good, it's always a "mystery" but, if I find one thing I can't live without, it's worth it. Or something that serves me, or something I can even gift, ya know? These bags to me, serve as a 'well, i like this, but can't use/don't like this... HEY LITTLE SISTER!'
Ayyy! Lol. Same. Tbh idk if what they send will be good, it's always a "mystery" but, if I find one thing I can't live without, it's worth it. Or something that serves me, or something I can even gift, ya know? These bags to me, serve as a 'well, i like this, but can't use/don't like this... HEY LITTLE SISTER!'

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Right. Lol. She was just being slightly passive aggressive. xD

Posted in Thunder Graphics {open}
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: Thank you! (Ps I may be visiting for more later on. xD I am taking forever sprucing my shop.)

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Right! I'm like, I wouldn't have been nearly as nice with them like she seemed in the call, with her straight face and just listening to their BS. Like whaaat? LOL! I'd be cursing, swearing, getting my lawyers all up in arms and just like, raging with a lawsuit slapping them cross the face. Like, for a couple days having this issue? sure. A week? Maybe. BUT MONTHS? Wow.

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: They were. That's what is insane to me. All these big names and a-listers fucking calling them out and YT is still like. "Teehee... We see no signs of hacking activity. We didn't found any."

Posted in Thunder Graphics {open}
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: Ahhh! It's perfect I love it! Sending trade now!

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Yeah. Even Gigi hadid called them out on twitter apparently. Girl screenshotted everything. From their emails, to people who were tagging YT and everything else... It was insane that all these people were like, hey YT, fix this. And they were still messing around.
And idk if she could? Like
This was the girl, video #2. But yeah... There was a lot that happened. (just in case you want it.)
And idk if she could? Like
This was the girl, video #2. But yeah... There was a lot that happened. (just in case you want it.)

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: I dunno... they had some super big users calling out YT and they were still messing around. xD I almost wanna link the vid but it's super long. But it was insane. I think she said she had like, 500 mill on her account? (had a five in there i could not be remembering right.)