Lucifera's posts
Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Yeah... It was like that all day today. And then our SM said "hey, take their order on the cafe till to practice social distancing! Take this opportunity to put your customer's name down!"
Me: "the virus can travel up to 15 feet, we pass by each other face to face in a 3 or 4 foot slot in between our 2 bars, and no one is even following deployment protocols. Your social distancing isn't going to work." Obviously in a more polished and not-so-bitchy way that my SM actually seemed to appreciate the feedback on.
My SM: We will try it anyways.
me: Proceeds to do this, and the first person's name on DT that I tried to take asks me:
"Uh... Do you really need to take my name for this?"
:vanora_cry: After this and after having to be on bar for a few hours/take orders for another few hours (worked a 6 hours shift so, I was fairly split between these 2 roles all day.) my mood was ruined.
Oh! I also had to go to work a bit wet. And bruised. But that's okay. (and literally pulled a muscle pumping syrup which is equal parts funny and painfully annoying.)
Sorry for the long rant but like.... xD I really, really, really, really hated everything and everyone today.
I never seen many if any smaller youtubers even if I specifically search them. Literally one of my friends started a channel and even specifically searching her name, I had to like, dodge bigger people to get to her actual channel (and eventually had to go to a video to even be able to subscribe.)
Me: "the virus can travel up to 15 feet, we pass by each other face to face in a 3 or 4 foot slot in between our 2 bars, and no one is even following deployment protocols. Your social distancing isn't going to work." Obviously in a more polished and not-so-bitchy way that my SM actually seemed to appreciate the feedback on.
My SM: We will try it anyways.
me: Proceeds to do this, and the first person's name on DT that I tried to take asks me:
"Uh... Do you really need to take my name for this?"
:vanora_cry: After this and after having to be on bar for a few hours/take orders for another few hours (worked a 6 hours shift so, I was fairly split between these 2 roles all day.) my mood was ruined.
Oh! I also had to go to work a bit wet. And bruised. But that's okay. (and literally pulled a muscle pumping syrup which is equal parts funny and painfully annoying.)
Sorry for the long rant but like.... xD I really, really, really, really hated everything and everyone today.
I never seen many if any smaller youtubers even if I specifically search them. Literally one of my friends started a channel and even specifically searching her name, I had to like, dodge bigger people to get to her actual channel (and eventually had to go to a video to even be able to subscribe.)

Posted in Place of Refuge (Lucifera&Kairie 1x1 roleplay)
Posted 5 years ago
Xander couldn't help but laugh at her joke. At this point he knew how sacred coffee was to everyone in the clinic, not just Kiera. "It's very generous of you. You're far too giving." He jested, even though it was true. the poor girl would likely be taken for granted and walked all over with the attitude she had, but it was refreshing in comparison to the negativity in the world. he almost wanted to protect that seemingly innocent naivety. But it would have been a disservice. At some point, there'd be a crack in it. But for now, he'd stay silent.
"I'm not optimistic. I much prefer facing reality. the clinic, without you, couldn't run. Everyone is important. Don't discount yourself." He advised, before hearing the slight change in her tone, looking over at her as they came up to the place they were going to order from, opening the door for her. "Being a nurse is hard. During my clinicals, I worked in a cancer ward. They do the typical, don't be alarmed if you come in to see and empty bed. People can pass at any time. But they never warn you what it's like to actually be there when someone goes, or to see the beds emptying not because of remission. It's sad, and it's rough. And if I got too overly invested... It'd not be healthy. It's different to care, and want to help. But if you neglect yourself to do so, you're not helping anyone."
Walking inside, Xander took out the little piece of paper and began ordering from his end, taking out the work card and waiting for Kiera to put her part of the order in before paying.
Xander couldn't help but laugh at her joke. At this point he knew how sacred coffee was to everyone in the clinic, not just Kiera. "It's very generous of you. You're far too giving." He jested, even though it was true. the poor girl would likely be taken for granted and walked all over with the attitude she had, but it was refreshing in comparison to the negativity in the world. he almost wanted to protect that seemingly innocent naivety. But it would have been a disservice. At some point, there'd be a crack in it. But for now, he'd stay silent.
"I'm not optimistic. I much prefer facing reality. the clinic, without you, couldn't run. Everyone is important. Don't discount yourself." He advised, before hearing the slight change in her tone, looking over at her as they came up to the place they were going to order from, opening the door for her. "Being a nurse is hard. During my clinicals, I worked in a cancer ward. They do the typical, don't be alarmed if you come in to see and empty bed. People can pass at any time. But they never warn you what it's like to actually be there when someone goes, or to see the beds emptying not because of remission. It's sad, and it's rough. And if I got too overly invested... It'd not be healthy. It's different to care, and want to help. But if you neglect yourself to do so, you're not helping anyone."
Walking inside, Xander took out the little piece of paper and began ordering from his end, taking out the work card and waiting for Kiera to put her part of the order in before paying.

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: xD me. I know I have at-risk people around me so today I was struggling to get people to do what we're supposed to prevent spreading. If you're at the window, don't finish drinks. You have to wash your hands before you can do that. Wash your hands after handling cash, don't give out puppacinos (considered sampling. sometimes these things are given to kids.) no one in cafe, wash hands every 30 minutes. Like we're trying to prevent the chance of spreading, but people just don't friggin listen and it's really pissing me off. xD
Yeah.. It's sad and unfortunate, but it is what it is. I'm trying to just like, force myself to get over it and deal. xD but is so hard. I want to watch my favorites but I just know they aren't that petty and/or stupid! D=
Yeah.. It's sad and unfortunate, but it is what it is. I'm trying to just like, force myself to get over it and deal. xD but is so hard. I want to watch my favorites but I just know they aren't that petty and/or stupid! D=

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: The older generation wants to live, while our generation may face the end of the human race because of global warming. If we die now, better than burning later. (joking, obviously. xD ) But this is super true.
Same. Either over dramatic or the playing-cute-naive thing turns into them playing just plain stupid and I just can't.
Same. Either over dramatic or the playing-cute-naive thing turns into them playing just plain stupid and I just can't.

Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ?
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: Not just yet! I am still trying out a lot of different products. I hear great things about the ordinary though! and that is what I have in my cart is the nixcinimide and zinc serum. Because it's supposed to be nice for sensitive/dry skin.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: Nope. Depends on the mask. There's pot masks, serum masks, sheet masks. You can get them in packs. If you know how to use pot masks, they can last a while. And it's only as expensive as anything else you'd use daily.

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Apparently. But other viruses and such weren't planned for either? It's just weird to me. Esecially since my grandma was like "they didn't get this fussy over h1n1, etc. And this is suddenly super bad." even though only at risk category are at risk. And it seems like there's this highlight on the negative, and no one mentioning the people who are being treated and are recovering? Just panic inducing, and it's so annoying.
We did. But we shall have more now that other locations are being closed.
This is true. But some are dramatic, entertaining. Some are dramatic, annoying. xD
We did. But we shall have more now that other locations are being closed.
This is true. But some are dramatic, entertaining. Some are dramatic, annoying. xD

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: Depends on the mask. Some can be daily, others once a week... I use the ones I like the most tbh. And usually go for daily ones and some that are once in a while just to give me a little boost here and there.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: I do as well! Though I think my favorite bit when it comes to skincare, and I know I keep mentioning it... But masks. Gosh having a cooling mask that moisturizes is like... The best thing ever. It makes me feel so refreshed after, and less tired. Just relaxed and happy. But after when it comes to moisturizing... Like right now my skin actually is doing so much better. xD And I keep raving about it on instagram. I plan on posting my setup and routine once everything gets settled for me.

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: xD If it went on like this for that long, a lot of shit would go down that will not be good for anyone. I don't even remember there being such a fuss when Ebola went around, this is honestly insane to me.
My SB is usually super busy, but we are located near the university, so with all the students just going home, obviously most of the people aren't here. Instructors dipped, and most people are just staying in. I am happy though cause SB has 14 days of catastrophe pay set up for us just in case, so it'd cover any shifts I would be scheduled for if I get sick, or if they close completely. (gove also has EI for this.) But I haven't been since all the mall locations have shut down. and with going to drive through only, it could mean game is on for us, or it could mean less business and closing soon approaching.
yeah. I will say one thing I dislike is sometimes he can be dramaticccc... But I feel like that's a lot of youtubers. xD
My SB is usually super busy, but we are located near the university, so with all the students just going home, obviously most of the people aren't here. Instructors dipped, and most people are just staying in. I am happy though cause SB has 14 days of catastrophe pay set up for us just in case, so it'd cover any shifts I would be scheduled for if I get sick, or if they close completely. (gove also has EI for this.) But I haven't been since all the mall locations have shut down. and with going to drive through only, it could mean game is on for us, or it could mean less business and closing soon approaching.
yeah. I will say one thing I dislike is sometimes he can be dramaticccc... But I feel like that's a lot of youtubers. xD

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Yeah... I got a temp chair from walmart.. a wheel broke off... It didn't last. I have learned. xD
And yeah... It's going to honestly be boring af. I can't wait for COVID to die down. As much as I like how relaxed business is, it's also really bad for us baristas. I count on foot traffic in the cafe for tips, which aren't a lot, but pay for my eggbites on days where I need to eat. And with bussing tables not happening, it means no one is sitting in cafe getting refills or chatting, which means less likely to have some tips in our tip bucket. xD Plus, it being busy keeps me on my toes. So, I guess moral of the story is: Love on your baristas rn and order even if you don't leave tips. We're bored af during this. Help us.
I watch this guy for some tips on good products.
And yeah... It's going to honestly be boring af. I can't wait for COVID to die down. As much as I like how relaxed business is, it's also really bad for us baristas. I count on foot traffic in the cafe for tips, which aren't a lot, but pay for my eggbites on days where I need to eat. And with bussing tables not happening, it means no one is sitting in cafe getting refills or chatting, which means less likely to have some tips in our tip bucket. xD Plus, it being busy keeps me on my toes. So, I guess moral of the story is: Love on your baristas rn and order even if you don't leave tips. We're bored af during this. Help us.
I watch this guy for some tips on good products.

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: I mean, it has some borders for me. xd when it comes to wet shops and whatnot. Recently saw this super gruesome video of this guy literally eating a live frog and I just died inside. I don't like frogs or insects or anything like that, but I never wanted to see that happen to them. It was awful!

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: xD RIP photoshop.

It's this annoying little fella.
Exactly. I just like, the steamy water coming off it just made my brains go "Yahhhhhssss..." xD Mentally preparing myself for work tomorrow. I'm no excited but... they are short shifts so yeah.
It's this annoying little fella.
Exactly. I just like, the steamy water coming off it just made my brains go "Yahhhhhssss..." xD Mentally preparing myself for work tomorrow. I'm no excited but... they are short shifts so yeah.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: I will for sure!