Lucifera's posts
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
Thirty-three, mashed bananas, mashed, mashed, bananas.

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
Twnety eight, hoping to get enough to at least get some event items... >.<

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
Twenty four skully doodles

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
ninteen skullies now

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
Currently have 15 skullz in my posession.

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
(would secretly love to have 10k treats but only has 11)

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
Well now there's 7 of them.

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
I only have one. LMAO

Posted in Do some people ever just... Annoy you?
Posted 5 years ago
Okay, the title sounds crazy, but I wanted to know if anyone else ever feels the same about anyone in their life.
So there's this person, and I RPed with them on and off for years. We RP well, but in terms of OOC, ugh. In reading the messages they send, most of it's fine. But they always have this one little line that throws in the controlling feeling when it comes to chatting, or they state the status of something presumptuously and it just... It like the same reaction I get to hearing nails on a friggin chalkboard. My teeth grind, jaw clenches, and my chest gets tight and all I wanna do is like, absolutely hop into a human shredder and be done with it.
I should state, only 2 people have ever gotten this reaction out of me in my life. And the other person I've managed to eventually avoid, but this person always pops back up. And initially, it's like, oh they seem cool now. 5 messages in, there it is.
It's that little tone in how they write things, the wording they use that just... pushes that button. And no matter how I mentally prepare myself or my breathing exercises it just, sets that tone for every interaction following.
Does anyone else have this experience? Or am I just nuts?
So there's this person, and I RPed with them on and off for years. We RP well, but in terms of OOC, ugh. In reading the messages they send, most of it's fine. But they always have this one little line that throws in the controlling feeling when it comes to chatting, or they state the status of something presumptuously and it just... It like the same reaction I get to hearing nails on a friggin chalkboard. My teeth grind, jaw clenches, and my chest gets tight and all I wanna do is like, absolutely hop into a human shredder and be done with it.
I should state, only 2 people have ever gotten this reaction out of me in my life. And the other person I've managed to eventually avoid, but this person always pops back up. And initially, it's like, oh they seem cool now. 5 messages in, there it is.
It's that little tone in how they write things, the wording they use that just... pushes that button. And no matter how I mentally prepare myself or my breathing exercises it just, sets that tone for every interaction following.
Does anyone else have this experience? Or am I just nuts?

Posted in Fairy-tale Inspired [RP SEARCH+ More inside]
Posted 5 years ago
@AshTheAlien: Aweh, thank you for the invitation! I would love to join up with the discord, but I am looking to get an RP or two on the site to kinda have something to hop on and kinda plug into when I have some spare time. I also haven't really gotten on discord much except for when I game with my boyfriend or some friends. =P

Posted in "Unbelievable" is literally unbelievable....
Posted 5 years ago
Trigger warning. Unbelievable is a detective show about sexual assault.
I am barely 10 minutes into this netflix "limited series" and it is absolutely insane how inaccurate it is. I was a victim of rape a few years ago [date raped] and there was not a whole squad of police cars out. I literally never met the detectives, and there wasn't cameras flashing everywhere. Like honestly, it'd be a fairy tale if police took half the effort. [barring the rape obvi that part is straight nightmare] but honestly this show is starting out weak af. xD Anyone else saw this thing yet?
I am barely 10 minutes into this netflix "limited series" and it is absolutely insane how inaccurate it is. I was a victim of rape a few years ago [date raped] and there was not a whole squad of police cars out. I literally never met the detectives, and there wasn't cameras flashing everywhere. Like honestly, it'd be a fairy tale if police took half the effort. [barring the rape obvi that part is straight nightmare] but honestly this show is starting out weak af. xD Anyone else saw this thing yet?

Posted in Those Who Matter
Posted 5 years ago
whaa... Just log on for weekend check-in and i get pinged for such a kind message! Thank you!

Posted in Study Abroad?
Posted 5 years ago
@Atropa Belladonna: Yeah. Just been having the worst time finding affordable like on-campus housing. xD It end up being like 124CAD a week in some cases.

Posted in Study Abroad?
Posted 5 years ago
@Atropa Belladonna: Right now my major is psychology & studio art. Germany is a really big front runner considering the history of Psychology in Germany. Plus it's be cool to see Wundt's lab. My biggest concern is going to be accommodations and finding some employment while being at university. I go to Usask and they have partnerships with specific colleges for the exchange program, and since it's possible to actually major in german, Spanish, french, etc. There are more opportunities in those particular areas.
@Reanna: Did you have a hard time adjusting to initially moving to Germany? And my biggest question about attending uni there on a visa is, does it also allow me to work while I'm in school? As paying 80+ euros a week is actually like 125ish CAD for me. So it's like, it'd be easier to just find a way to work there so my family doesn't end up going broke supporting. [I know i have a ton fo quetions that require more research but i thought it'd be cool to hear from people who are experiencing being in a new place first hand.]
@vengeance: is it the whole UK or just England? I honestly considered Belfast because it seems like a small ferry to Scotland, and I've always wanted to go. It's hard to choose because I'm not really entirely in the know about a lot of places. ^^;
@Reanna: Did you have a hard time adjusting to initially moving to Germany? And my biggest question about attending uni there on a visa is, does it also allow me to work while I'm in school? As paying 80+ euros a week is actually like 125ish CAD for me. So it's like, it'd be easier to just find a way to work there so my family doesn't end up going broke supporting. [I know i have a ton fo quetions that require more research but i thought it'd be cool to hear from people who are experiencing being in a new place first hand.]
@vengeance: is it the whole UK or just England? I honestly considered Belfast because it seems like a small ferry to Scotland, and I've always wanted to go. It's hard to choose because I'm not really entirely in the know about a lot of places. ^^;