Lucifera's posts
Posted in Considering a new tablet. [Art people please chime in]
Posted 5 years ago
I recently bought the huion kamvas pro 20 i believe? While it was on sale earlier this year. So far, honestly, I love it. Very few complaints. adn it was almost 1/3 of the price of an ipad pro and definitely a lower price than a wacom. But, if you can afford professional grade, I hear Wacom displays are like, the top doggos. Granted companies like Huion have been putting up serious competition. I think what it came down to for me was this:
Programmable buttons
Sliders or knobs for zooming in, etc.
Ease of set-up
Usable drawing space
I ended up with he huion because I liked sliders on both sides. Especially when I am working and I need to zoom in and zoom out quickly just to make sure I am not getting tiny details in something that won't be seen when zoomed out.
programmable buttons made mirroring the image easier to fix proportional issues and other things you probably already know.
The drawing space was really nice for me, coming from a standard ipad (one of the first that came out with pencil support) Setup is pretty easy but also a bit tricky at first. And honestly, I just wanted a larger drawing space. I rarely use the whole screen for my drawing program, sometimes I pop up pinterest with a good old mood board and just sketch while I have netflix on my main monitor or something.
At the end of the day, Get the one you feel very strongly you want. If it doesn't work out, just return it before the return period is up and go on the hunt again. Just make sure what you keep, is exactly what works for you.
Programmable buttons
Sliders or knobs for zooming in, etc.
Ease of set-up
Usable drawing space
I ended up with he huion because I liked sliders on both sides. Especially when I am working and I need to zoom in and zoom out quickly just to make sure I am not getting tiny details in something that won't be seen when zoomed out.
programmable buttons made mirroring the image easier to fix proportional issues and other things you probably already know.
The drawing space was really nice for me, coming from a standard ipad (one of the first that came out with pencil support) Setup is pretty easy but also a bit tricky at first. And honestly, I just wanted a larger drawing space. I rarely use the whole screen for my drawing program, sometimes I pop up pinterest with a good old mood board and just sketch while I have netflix on my main monitor or something.
At the end of the day, Get the one you feel very strongly you want. If it doesn't work out, just return it before the return period is up and go on the hunt again. Just make sure what you keep, is exactly what works for you.

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: =O Maybe I can do what my middle eastern family does and douce them in either rose water or orange blossom syrup or honey. xD Until I'm 90% sure I have diabetes from it. Not an exaggeration. I've never had a middle eastern desert that wasn't deathly sweet.
I've actually made home made mochi before! And I always have mochi icecreams in my fridge. I love the chocolate ones but settle for vanilla or matcha (if my little sister has stocked up on them.) But yeah... I feel like there has to be some way. Maybe if I slow roast them with some almonds and dip them in like, sweetened condensed milk? I know some rice cakes are on bingsoo so... Maybe? xD
@eyry: I love spice. hot spice, flavour spice... I have gotten to the point where most foods with an acceptable level of canadian spices don't even have flavour to me anymore. OwO
I've actually made home made mochi before! And I always have mochi icecreams in my fridge. I love the chocolate ones but settle for vanilla or matcha (if my little sister has stocked up on them.) But yeah... I feel like there has to be some way. Maybe if I slow roast them with some almonds and dip them in like, sweetened condensed milk? I know some rice cakes are on bingsoo so... Maybe? xD
@eyry: I love spice. hot spice, flavour spice... I have gotten to the point where most foods with an acceptable level of canadian spices don't even have flavour to me anymore. OwO

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: I know... I'm so full but my mouth is determined to have the whole pan. Like it's so good. <3 Is there like, a sweet way to cook rice cakes? =O

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: It is literally the best thing ever! This is my new study time food. <3 <3 Thank you for helping me!

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: D= It's the worst thing ever!
But awesome! I'm cooking it now actually! I can't wait to try it. (they are cooking from frozen so hopefully it won't over-cook. )
But awesome! I'm cooking it now actually! I can't wait to try it. (they are cooking from frozen so hopefully it won't over-cook. )

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: Thank youuu! Lol. I am so worried if I change it I'd mess up the flavour (there's a place in town that makes it but I'm not sure if they have gluten free ingredients tho.) so, I'm gonna try it out! This recipe I found starts out with like, broth and let it cook down, then throwing in the rice cakes when it's still a bit thin and letting it thicken/stirfry?
I want to try so many more dishes but learning to cook (with little time lately) is a challenge.
I want to try so many more dishes but learning to cook (with little time lately) is a challenge.

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
I've always heard about this, but never tried it. Recently I tried rice cakes for the first time and loved them. (And rice cakes are pretty standard gluten free stuff.) so I wanted to try making it.
One problem! I hate fish. xD
god i hate fish so much. Fish sauce I can deal with but actual legit fish? EEEUGH!
Does anyone know if I can make this with veggie/chicken stock and no fish bits?
One problem! I hate fish. xD
god i hate fish so much. Fish sauce I can deal with but actual legit fish? EEEUGH!
Does anyone know if I can make this with veggie/chicken stock and no fish bits?

Posted in Why being "So ADHD" isn't a joke
Posted 5 years ago
@Priestess of Pie: My jitters eventually went away for the most part. Not I just want to be more physically active which, mentally I've been wanting to do anyways. xD Not jittery just more energetic and able to focus and get excited about mundane things.

Posted in Why being "So ADHD" isn't a joke
Posted 5 years ago
@faerie: So far I've been very lucky that only headaches have been my side effects aside from dry mouth and slight appetite change, which I can all deal with. But it's so unfortunate that you've been having these terrible reactions especially since I know the struggles you speak of. There have been odd and end diet, etc. regimens that have been rumoured to help with management, but again, mostly just rumours. xD Hopefully it all gets better though, and you find something that works for you? I know I had the jitters when I first started them but they eventually went away.

Posted in K-Dramas
Posted 5 years ago
@wiltedrose: Right! Often times these male leads are also super mean or abusive to the female leads. Or in general just dicks. Like it'd be nice to see the female leads go for men of actual substance who genuinely care about them. xD Or guys who AREN'T IN A RELATIONSHIP arranged or otherwise. the messages being sent in these shows sometimes are so gross it's a wonder that there isn't a more well-known spousal abuse epidemic being spoken about in Korea!

Posted in K-Dramas
Posted 5 years ago
Am I the only one who never likes the male lead in the love triangles? Like I always like the guy who isn't supposed to be the endgame. The guy who is actually nice, or not engaged or whatever other weird mess. xD Like especially in Heirs... Like good lord of Tan isn't the most annoying character in this whole show. And I love the show, BUT I HATE HIM! xD

Posted in LGBT dating life is hard
Posted 5 years ago
@TomYum: xD okay

Posted in Why being "So ADHD" isn't a joke
Posted 5 years ago
@kaichoukai: No, no! I actually liked reading I'm not the only one struggling. I actually still can't focus on reading, which sucks because i really used to love it. But now reading pages of story, and I still can't retain a single thing. I just started my meds maybe around this time last year, and initially the lowest dose was prescribed, then we took a step up to 2 or the lowest dose a day, to her taking me to 27mg and once a day, which hasn't helped me at all really... She said if I need to have more, if I'm struggling to take the bigger pill dose in the AM, and the lower at lunch, but I just have that fear of the feeling of when I had my OD, and can't bring myself to go higher? i know I need to really go back and have my meds assessed, but making the time for that between school and work, and then like, having that fear I just don't want to. xD
But thank you! I'm hoping to conquer my BS and just get to where I need to be. But I'm so happy to feel like... Normal? I never knew how bad I was until I missed a dose. xD (the med my psych put me on doesn't stay in your system or build up. It's a slow release that is in your system, and then once it's out it's out. Helps make sure I sleep normal too.)
But thank you! I'm hoping to conquer my BS and just get to where I need to be. But I'm so happy to feel like... Normal? I never knew how bad I was until I missed a dose. xD (the med my psych put me on doesn't stay in your system or build up. It's a slow release that is in your system, and then once it's out it's out. Helps make sure I sleep normal too.)

Posted in LGBT dating life is hard
Posted 5 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: Well, it's good that it's going great. =) Either way, I hope you find someone who makes you happy! Everyone deserves that.