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Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@koneko: Thank you, Koneko! I will keep all of this in mind. I'm the same, I can be a huge cry baby, but I also know I ca wallow so I try to like, give myself a time where I can cry. [usually in the shower] and then it's me being happy pappy when i get out. But yeah.

@Hachi: I am. I failed going to college once, then took a CNA course and proved I could be good at school. And now I finally am trying again at like, a university. So for me, This is me giving myself one more shot. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. ^^; and that's just it. That's why I'm so determined to try and give myself my best chance with any advice, tips, tricks, and routines I can.
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: you: you have to be in this.
Me: *googles how to get into it* Challenge accepted.

Lol. But in all seriousness, It's good to hear about that place from someone who actually went there. Realistically my college i want to go to is in the scarborough area so it's not directly in toronto. So I have high hopes that I'll have the best of both worlds. City life and quiet studious life.
Posted in Playing with Words Posted 6 years ago
@Xaria: Beauty
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Bioshock: Thank you... <3 I want to try and do that, some professors are really good about these things. But I have yet to meet my professors so I have no idea if they are the type who will meet me half way, or if they're the ones who just wanna show up and get that paycheck, ya know? Of course I'm going to try and use every tool at my disposal, and do my best. I just really want this year to go well.

@Ixora: Diplomatic household? Where do I sign up to become one of those?
Ohhh! If you end up getting accepted you have got to tell me if it's a good place to live. Saskatoon is okay but holy heck if it's
the most bland place to live. xD
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Also fingers crossed my student loan response comes in soooon. xD
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: =O Is it as crazy expensive as people say it is? What are people like there? Are there any cool attractions? Are there any amazing sight seeing spots you like to go to? I NEED DETAILS! D= LOL

@Totalanimefan: I will try. Thank you! And good to see you again!
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: *internal screaming* I'm applying to a tech college in toronto once i finish this 4 year degreeee. EEEE!
Tell me what toronto is like if when you get in!
I'm also lactose intolerant. xD Fun fact, if you're lactose intolerant you can end up gluten intolerant because they go hand in hand and aggravate each other. I learned this cause one day i had icecream that was like, red velvet cake. And i double over in pain a while later, more than normal, and felt like garbage. They do tag team and destroy you. 100%. But the good part is, I am getting into gluten free baking and I'm slowly mastering it. And saskatoon has a 100% gluten free bakery where i can get cakes. I still eat icecream, but either lactose freee or i take pills.

@Hachi: You are a gift. I am going to listerally screen shot and print all of that so I can have it on my board to remind me when I start to struggle at any point.

@Totalanimefan: I know... I just stress because of my weird schooling, there is so much i either have to re-learn, or I'm really going to have to grapple with. Thankfully my other classes should be mostly easy. [I'm relearning arabic, I always pass psych even with hard midterms, and studio art... That's gonna be my fuuunnnn claaassss.] I also have to find a way to be able to do some money earning with my week days full. Which is going to be hard to do. Really hard. =(

@koneko: Oh my mental health has improved since they corrected my diagnosis. I was told at 18 when i lived in the states I was bipolar. And they kept giving me like, lithium and such and i kept getting really bad reactions. Recently my psychologist said, let's put that on the backburner and do the opposite. I want to try concerta. It's for ADHD. If it stops your panic attacks and you feel better, we know we're in the right place. If not, we're starting fresh. And It worked. I've focused enough to claw my way into this university [odds were against me. I was turned down twice already and was so discouraged] and I started to feel more energetic and happened to meet the director of alumni for the arts and sciences college... I honestly think knowing I have ADHD and making a plan for strict organization of not just my time but also my room [literally redoing my whole room with hand made furniture to ensure a designated study area and play area] and getting resources from the disabilities office plus tutoring will help.
I just feel guilty when I cry. I really do, because to me, I've been going after this for so long and now I'm in a good place and it's like, why am I letting myself get worked up over this? It's just so much. And I realized how little I knew when I thought I'd read up a bit with a month to go. D=

Sorry to write a big rant but yeah... It's just a lot.

@Bioshock: Thank you... I honestly feel like a bit of a whiner. But I don't know anyone where I live and right now this is the only place where I feel like there are people who maybe understand or can give pointers or anything. And so I thought it wouldn't hurt to reach out.

And thank you everyone for all the support and advice. It's literally helping so much.
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Honey, you better hurry. xD Takes colleges forever to respond up here. I applied for the spring term and just got approved and am registered for fall in the middle of summer term. But that's just my uni. Yours could be better. Lol.
I usually do nothing. My mom usually buys me a cake but since I'm gluten intolerant [just found out recently] it's harder to do that now.
Posted in any other world builders? Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: Same ! And don't even worry about getting ahead of yourself. We can slowly find the right folks. I'm sure there's plenty on here who probably would love to join too.
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Do iiit! Students being good mean successful lives woohoo! xD
I guess it is. Maybe this fall I will make enough friends to have a bonfire or a birthday gathering.
I haven't had a birthday party with friends in so long... T-T
Posted in any other world builders? Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: mhm! A lot of people like to snort at my 'people will steal it' comments, but it happens every day. Some animes that are well known are even shrouded in that kinda scandal. You never know who might be in a writing rut and think, hm. That's a good idea. And then next thing you know, you're being sued for stealing when they saw your stuff and stole it. /.\ I sound so paranoid, but that's why trusted people in writing groups are so important to me.
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: LMAO! Oh boy, I really missed the mark on that one. OxO
I don't really party. Lol. To be honest my idea of a party is getting together with friends, having some edibles and reading or playing games. But never have I ever enjoyed an actual party. Or clubbing. I like small intimate gatherings with my fellow socially awkward nerds. <3
Posted in Hero Or Villain? Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Villainous Hero with a thing for hoodies. ;3
Posted in In a panic Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: xD Bad Ixora! Be a good student! LOL
And nope. I'm in university in a city I didn't grow up in. I don't know anybody. I have no friends up here.
I just moved here with my family last year, so if I did know somebody, it'd be a heckin miracle and I'd dance
around a fire with all the people! xDDD I don't mean that sarcastically either. I'm genuine in that statement.