Lucifera's posts
Posted in any other world builders?
Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: Yessss! Let's see if we can hunt down more people for this too. xD Since I'm not doing anything of import right now.
I would be hesitant about that, because it'd be easy for people to steal your ideas. A discord server or something like a journal program might be better, just because you know that someone would have to really put in some effort to get your ideas.
I would be hesitant about that, because it'd be easy for people to steal your ideas. A discord server or something like a journal program might be better, just because you know that someone would have to really put in some effort to get your ideas.

Posted in In a panic
Posted 6 years ago
@LordLucre: Oh trust me, I have all the focus and motivation i need. I have just literally never taken a chemistry class before in my life.
@Bioshock: Yeah. I plan on taking full advantage. But since I also have horrible ADHD through the disabilities office I can register for a volunteer student note taker and being able to record lectures so I don't miss anything.
@Ixora: Yeah... But they are far more hardcore about school here. And being homeschooled I have no idea how to deal with people IRL. So I tend to like, be hesitant to talk to people I don't know.
@Bioshock: Yeah. I plan on taking full advantage. But since I also have horrible ADHD through the disabilities office I can register for a volunteer student note taker and being able to record lectures so I don't miss anything.
@Ixora: Yeah... But they are far more hardcore about school here. And being homeschooled I have no idea how to deal with people IRL. So I tend to like, be hesitant to talk to people I don't know.

Posted in Playing with Words
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in any other world builders?
Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: xD Found one! I'm sure there are others on here. But if you ever want to talk world building, feel free to seek me out. xD I may have a few other socially awkward folks [me included] who'd love to be dragged along and tied into something like this. Sure it sounds like a hostage situation, but are they hostages if they are willing to join, but need the right motivation? [totally a joke.]

Posted in any other world builders?
Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: FIND A GROUP ON HERE! It'd be super dope if like, i could find a group of people where we all literally just got together and talked about our worlds and helped develop stuff or just did a random RP group or something. It's be so cool. Or doing exercises where we write from prompts but do it in a specific person's world they are developing.

Posted in Netflix about to catch these hands...
Posted 6 years ago
@Tsundererra: it's so true! I rarely meet other middle eastern people in general. Though I have met a few east indian and pakistani folks where I live. And my mom says that too! She's actually american but she says 'those guys are all crazy.' because my bio dad started out a sweetie then just snapped one day. Like I have met some that seem sweet but the stories I've read are they are sweet, then you marry them, and either by family pressure or their own fragile ideal come in and they just start being... Angry. Tempermental. Oi...
I didn't date. xD Where we lived when i was little, it was impossible to. Especially when he took us out of public school. We lived in this teeny tiny town in missouri. Hardly even a blip on the map, and in a house on 3 acres of land. Hiding the fact that we dated? I think the only person our dad wanted us to date was him [he literally slapped out bottoms and said he could do whatever cause he was our dad.] *shudders* Anyways, yeah. No. xD
And he's in minnesota, is why. But yeah it is far. He usually flies up cause it's a 2 hour flight. =P But I am driving for the next visit cause I'm terrified of planes and heights.
I plan to 100% take advantage of any and all resources at my disposal. And with where my courses all are, the library where all the tutoring and stuff is is literally right outside. xD NO EXCUSES.
Dude, I posted my insta in the art gallery section of the forums. I know I'm not terrible, but I lack so many basic fundamentals and life drawing skills that I can't honestly say anything I produce could be considered a best works. It's why I decided to even take a four year to begin with. Get some art history, modern art and aesthetics... Be able to get educated on what is good and sells and get some more tools in my belt so when I do build that portfolio, it's a banger. Ya know? Lol.
I don't like, get high. I get lazy. I have had situations where I had too many edibles but it's not as bad as you'd think. Like, the thing about getting stoned is you only get paranoia if you have something to be paranoid about. But if you do it with the mindset that you're gonna enjoy things and have fun, no panic attacks. That's how it is for me at least. But no one has ever died for THC overdose so I mean. Safest things you can accidentally get too much of. xD to be honest.
I didn't date. xD Where we lived when i was little, it was impossible to. Especially when he took us out of public school. We lived in this teeny tiny town in missouri. Hardly even a blip on the map, and in a house on 3 acres of land. Hiding the fact that we dated? I think the only person our dad wanted us to date was him [he literally slapped out bottoms and said he could do whatever cause he was our dad.] *shudders* Anyways, yeah. No. xD
And he's in minnesota, is why. But yeah it is far. He usually flies up cause it's a 2 hour flight. =P But I am driving for the next visit cause I'm terrified of planes and heights.
I plan to 100% take advantage of any and all resources at my disposal. And with where my courses all are, the library where all the tutoring and stuff is is literally right outside. xD NO EXCUSES.
Dude, I posted my insta in the art gallery section of the forums. I know I'm not terrible, but I lack so many basic fundamentals and life drawing skills that I can't honestly say anything I produce could be considered a best works. It's why I decided to even take a four year to begin with. Get some art history, modern art and aesthetics... Be able to get educated on what is good and sells and get some more tools in my belt so when I do build that portfolio, it's a banger. Ya know? Lol.
I don't like, get high. I get lazy. I have had situations where I had too many edibles but it's not as bad as you'd think. Like, the thing about getting stoned is you only get paranoia if you have something to be paranoid about. But if you do it with the mindset that you're gonna enjoy things and have fun, no panic attacks. That's how it is for me at least. But no one has ever died for THC overdose so I mean. Safest things you can accidentally get too much of. xD to be honest.

Posted in Netflix about to catch these hands...
Posted 6 years ago
@Tsundererra: =O I've never met another person of middle eastern heritage on these sites I AM SO HAPPY HI! <3
If I had said that to my dad, I am not joking when I say he'd have killed me. Her threatened us with shotguns he had on his wall. And one time my older sister cursed at him. He wouldn't let her eat for a week, we had to sneak her food just so this girl would live. He was Insane on a whole other level. I'd not dare...
Yes. Like, not gonna lie, part of me is shook. Like, i grew up being told I can only marry, not date, but marry a middle eastern muslim man. So wrapping my head around dating a guy who is whiter than paper. xD That's really throwing my brain but ugh. He just gives the best hugs and was so sweet and tender and I can't wait until we live together. ^-^ We are both starting university soon though so only visits when we can. [we live like 13 hours apart by car.]
Nope. I am taking college chem. Not into to chem. That's what's going to kill me. I've never taken a chemistry class before. I was homeschooled for the better part of my childhood, if not out of school entirely. So there are gaps in my education, and I've no idea where to even begin. And I am thinking like, yound adults and teens, helping them if they are in abusive situations. Possibly doing a kind of counselling type social work thing. xD
And nope. They was 15 or my best works, and trust me when I say there are no best works here. I also need to be familiar with more than one animation program. So... Studio art will be benefitting me largely.
I want to. They sell oils up here but like, I'm hesitant because i got a really intense body high at easter dinner once and i was so giggly and a couch potato that honestly, pooobably best to wait until edibles are provided and I can experiment with those made by pros before I do much else. [cbd . makes me wonky too. idk why, it isn't necessarily supposed to.]
Always. I will chatter away whenever. xD
If I had said that to my dad, I am not joking when I say he'd have killed me. Her threatened us with shotguns he had on his wall. And one time my older sister cursed at him. He wouldn't let her eat for a week, we had to sneak her food just so this girl would live. He was Insane on a whole other level. I'd not dare...
Yes. Like, not gonna lie, part of me is shook. Like, i grew up being told I can only marry, not date, but marry a middle eastern muslim man. So wrapping my head around dating a guy who is whiter than paper. xD That's really throwing my brain but ugh. He just gives the best hugs and was so sweet and tender and I can't wait until we live together. ^-^ We are both starting university soon though so only visits when we can. [we live like 13 hours apart by car.]
Nope. I am taking college chem. Not into to chem. That's what's going to kill me. I've never taken a chemistry class before. I was homeschooled for the better part of my childhood, if not out of school entirely. So there are gaps in my education, and I've no idea where to even begin. And I am thinking like, yound adults and teens, helping them if they are in abusive situations. Possibly doing a kind of counselling type social work thing. xD
And nope. They was 15 or my best works, and trust me when I say there are no best works here. I also need to be familiar with more than one animation program. So... Studio art will be benefitting me largely.
I want to. They sell oils up here but like, I'm hesitant because i got a really intense body high at easter dinner once and i was so giggly and a couch potato that honestly, pooobably best to wait until edibles are provided and I can experiment with those made by pros before I do much else. [cbd . makes me wonky too. idk why, it isn't necessarily supposed to.]
Always. I will chatter away whenever. xD

Posted in In a panic
Posted 6 years ago
University starts in under a month. D= I am taking chemistry and it's hitting me how little I know about it. Ther's so much I'm going to struggle with and I'm mentally freaking out, even though I am excited to go back to school, this one class is the one that I know will challenge me the most and I can't help but feel like crying over it.
Is there any advice anyone can give about taking uni chemistry?
Is there any advice anyone can give about taking uni chemistry?

Posted in Netflix about to catch these hands...
Posted 6 years ago
@Tsundererra: Honestly, if it was just that it wouldn't have been abusive to me. Like, there was rarely ever a reason for a barely 2 year old toddler [my baby sister] to get beaten with a flyswatter over spilled cheerios. Like literally, no milk. She was bringing him his cheerios because god forbid he raised a finger to get shit himself, and she tripped and they spilled. She got that for that? Like no... Not normal. But my bio dad was saudi, and unfortunately he was the sterotype. It sounds horrible to say, but he was. I fear what he'd have become had he lived just a bit longer.
Right. Like, me and my current boyfriend have been friend fo nigh on a decade. We just met for a week and it worked so well. But like, when i say we've grown together, we saw flaws in ourselves by our small tiffs over time, and we've worked on them. Had we gotten together before now, we never would have worked. But it's almost like we were both working on ourselves because we knew there were issues period, not even just for one another. If that makes sense? Like I knew i can react to some things irrationally, especially on my period. And he knows his needs for rational, and logical things can make him argumentative. And we both work on that. And when we slip up, we usually apologize, say we shouldn't have been that way, and we literally have gotten better and I just love it so much.
I don't know if I will survive the math. I know I tend to get math better when I can apply it to something. And it's what I realy, truly, from the deepest part of my soul, dream of doing. So I'm hoping that inner drive will push me to grind my gears no matter how hard it gets, while my psych degree gives me a social work career path to make money while I go to this other school. [my current school has no programs for this so i have to take these to get port folio done+have a good money making career so I can afford to move to ontario for my other school, 2 year degree.] My psych class is easy for me. Always passed with flying colors. I'm more worried about chemistry.
I will. I've been better on concerta, but my meds do give me headaches. My thing is, without them it's worse. Like... If you can imagine the static screen on a TV, but feeling it in your head? That's what I have. I want to envision these scenes, in fact, when i read i can faintly see their outlines, but full detail has been so hard to do. I've only been able to dive in if I smoke some green. xD [it's legal here but idk if i will get in trouble for saying it on here.]
Ahhh! Thank you! I'm so glad you think so. Lol. I can tend to derail and get too deep sometimes and it's annoyed people but i just love being a chatter box. LOL
Right. Like, me and my current boyfriend have been friend fo nigh on a decade. We just met for a week and it worked so well. But like, when i say we've grown together, we saw flaws in ourselves by our small tiffs over time, and we've worked on them. Had we gotten together before now, we never would have worked. But it's almost like we were both working on ourselves because we knew there were issues period, not even just for one another. If that makes sense? Like I knew i can react to some things irrationally, especially on my period. And he knows his needs for rational, and logical things can make him argumentative. And we both work on that. And when we slip up, we usually apologize, say we shouldn't have been that way, and we literally have gotten better and I just love it so much.
I don't know if I will survive the math. I know I tend to get math better when I can apply it to something. And it's what I realy, truly, from the deepest part of my soul, dream of doing. So I'm hoping that inner drive will push me to grind my gears no matter how hard it gets, while my psych degree gives me a social work career path to make money while I go to this other school. [my current school has no programs for this so i have to take these to get port folio done+have a good money making career so I can afford to move to ontario for my other school, 2 year degree.] My psych class is easy for me. Always passed with flying colors. I'm more worried about chemistry.
I will. I've been better on concerta, but my meds do give me headaches. My thing is, without them it's worse. Like... If you can imagine the static screen on a TV, but feeling it in your head? That's what I have. I want to envision these scenes, in fact, when i read i can faintly see their outlines, but full detail has been so hard to do. I've only been able to dive in if I smoke some green. xD [it's legal here but idk if i will get in trouble for saying it on here.]
Ahhh! Thank you! I'm so glad you think so. Lol. I can tend to derail and get too deep sometimes and it's annoyed people but i just love being a chatter box. LOL

Posted in Playing with Words
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Netflix about to catch these hands...
Posted 6 years ago
@Tsundererra: It's worse when you grow up in it too. My biodad was abusive and would always say "i only hit you because i love you." it's a lot to do with upbringing as well. But there are women out there [i am part of the break the silence FB page] and some have normal upbringings and know it isn't right and then they end up stuck as well. It's a huge problem, but I have a feeling that it always will be. All we can do as a society is try to not romanticize it. Lol. And help survivors out of these situations.
That's also true. But ugh... I think there is the idea of growing together as a couple that also gets misrepresented as trying to change someone with love. Like, sometimes people grow out of bad habits, and they do that with their partner. It doesn't mean that person is changing them. But it's a fine line.
xD It's easy to do. All I have to do is ensure my classes count for credits in both majors. Which is easy enough so it's not like I take double the classes. But yeah, it'll be stressful, but I love studio art and I just... I really hope to be able to get into video game art design.
Could be. I have depression and ADHD so... But I am medicated and whatnot so I assumed it's just, my brain isn't interested.
yes! please do!
Also, this went from a rant about kdramas to adressing societal issues with domestic violence! WEE FOR CONVERSATION FLOW! xDDD
That's also true. But ugh... I think there is the idea of growing together as a couple that also gets misrepresented as trying to change someone with love. Like, sometimes people grow out of bad habits, and they do that with their partner. It doesn't mean that person is changing them. But it's a fine line.
xD It's easy to do. All I have to do is ensure my classes count for credits in both majors. Which is easy enough so it's not like I take double the classes. But yeah, it'll be stressful, but I love studio art and I just... I really hope to be able to get into video game art design.
Could be. I have depression and ADHD so... But I am medicated and whatnot so I assumed it's just, my brain isn't interested.
yes! please do!
Also, this went from a rant about kdramas to adressing societal issues with domestic violence! WEE FOR CONVERSATION FLOW! xDDD

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Netflix about to catch these hands...
Posted 6 years ago
@Tsundererra: If hello my twenties is the newer generation then I'm in it. And abuse is not something these young women feel they have to endure. It's not that simple. I had an abusive boyfriend in high school who I was with for 3 years. My best friend's husband is currently abusive. It's this idea, that a man can be changed if you just love them. And maybe they are also hitting you because they love you, and they don't want you to leave. They'd scared if you just assure them enough. And Kdramas aren't the only media to idealize unhealthy relationships. Beauty and the beast is a kidnapped teenager suffering from Stockholm's syndrome. She literally turns a monster into a man by loving him. And this is something children watch every day. Twilight, where Edward shows he can control his strength if he wants to, but he ends up hurting Bella anyways. He abandons her, stalks her, isolates her from friends and family. It's classic grooming dressed up as romance. And don't even get me started on 50 shades of gray. I've read the books. It's a very sick and unhealthy relationship there, and that's just baseline relationship behaviors.
My thing is, media pushes an idea. It can seem harmless if you know what is and isn't healthy. But my point is more, it's not a generational issue. It's an issue of a lesson taught over time. And that's something that will continue to affect kids until it's truly addressed.
Yes, Full-time duel major for psychology and studio art. I'm going to do some social work up hither in the north. xD
I hope so. I loved reading and writing as a kid but I don't know when it started to become this haze. Can't visualize or get lost in anything anymore. I try over and over to get into RPs and really get as absorbed as i used to be, but I dunno. I guess some things just change and become fond memories. Who knows. xD
NP! I l am right in the middle of that one, I hope it doesn't all flat like some of his shorts do. I want a truly chilling ending!
My thing is, media pushes an idea. It can seem harmless if you know what is and isn't healthy. But my point is more, it's not a generational issue. It's an issue of a lesson taught over time. And that's something that will continue to affect kids until it's truly addressed.
Yes, Full-time duel major for psychology and studio art. I'm going to do some social work up hither in the north. xD
I hope so. I loved reading and writing as a kid but I don't know when it started to become this haze. Can't visualize or get lost in anything anymore. I try over and over to get into RPs and really get as absorbed as i used to be, but I dunno. I guess some things just change and become fond memories. Who knows. xD
NP! I l am right in the middle of that one, I hope it doesn't all flat like some of his shorts do. I want a truly chilling ending!

Posted in Playing with Words
Posted 6 years ago
The title says it all! A word association game. Write the first thing that comes to mind when you see the previous word!