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Posted in any other world builders? Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: I love doing world-building, especially in terms of roleplays. I have a whole like, alternate world within the modern world thing I've been working on for the last year. Making up my own lore, my own like, stories, and whatnot just to be able to get started on a book series I so badly want to do. But I doubt I'll ever do more than ponder on this other existence. I'm a horrible started when it comes to solo projects.
Posted in The Scribble Box Posted 6 years ago
How is it going folks?
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Long hair sucks! Posted 6 years ago
I have had short hair and long hair [as a child] and though short hair is low maintenance, I really like my longer hair. I feel like it's the same either way for me because one way to get my hair to sit right and not cowlick [shorter] i have to blow dry my hair, which means frizzy and dry. Longer hair i just wash, condition with some curl smoothie, then let it go or pin it up. But then again, I'm just kinda lazy. And blowdrying irritates me. xD
Posted in Oh, boy... Posted 6 years ago
@koneko: Same. At first it was just my depression making me sick, then it was a nervous system disorder. Then finally a neuro does a CT and i have a defect in my inner ear. xD Such a simple small thing, causes so much trouble.

I will definitely upload and post some here soon. =) She had run under something [vets said a fence] before she was found so I'm still brushing the paint from that out of her fur.

And thank you~! It is. I am so excited.
Posted in noob owo Posted 6 years ago
Welcome! I hope you like it here. =)
Posted in Oh, boy... Posted 6 years ago
@Phantasma: She's absolutely precious. Loves to lay in my lap and sleep.
And thank you. =)
Posted in Oh, boy... Posted 6 years ago
So, staring of this chit chat thread with the good news.

They finally figure out what's wrong with me and my health issues so now all I have to do is wait for sugery. I got into university, and I reeeally want to go for phsychology/social work. I also recently started fostering a discarded female bunny who I have named Skye [due to her bright, incredibly gorgeous sky blue eyes and because she flopped so happily when i called her that.]

For the bad news, there isn't really any. My long time online best friend is now my boyfriend [LDR] and I'm just happy as a button. Stressed about surgery and school and work, but everything is just good.

More about Skye and general PSA: Skye is a young rex/dwarf mix [going by looks] bunny with a cream/gray coat color and white splotches. She's such a young sweetie and so sassy and I adore her. I can't imagine why she'd have been dumped and it's heart breaking! If y'all ever see a pet rabbit out and about [they won't have typical colors or markings of wild hares.] please pick them up. They will die. T-T
Posted in ITS MAH BIRTHDAY! Posted 6 years ago
Happy birthday! I know that feeling all too well, and it sucks to have. But birthdays are about celebrating you, So happy birthday, and I hope this year you do something for you that makes you feel pampered and special, even if you did have to work! Happy day!

From me, My bunny Skye, and my puppt Ollie!
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
2. /.\ I haven't been on in a while though so i had no idea about the event going on. Lol
Posted in Fairy-tale Inspired [RP SEARCH+ More inside] Posted 6 years ago
The above was a horrible joke, but yeah. It sums up what this thread is all about right now. But, maybe I'll move on to more important bits you'd likely want to know. Or not. But I usually do.


I'm scribz! I'm a traditional and digital artist and a first-year uni student starting this September. I've roleplayed for so long that I tend to be a bit choosy about stories, but I just love having something to keep my creative side active when drawing starts to make my chest feel heavy. [Art burnout.]

About me as a Roleplayer:

I've roleplayed for a long time, so even if I seem tight-laced it's to make sure I find a partner [or partners] who will enjoy writing with me as much as I do them. I tend to write in third person past tense multi-paragraph. I can go from one fleshy paragraph to a novel. It depends upon my partner, but I won't do any roleplay where my reply is less than a paragraph. Quality over quantity but that comes with a certain expectation of having something to respond to. I don't do any pregnancy based roleplays, zombies, etc. And though I strive for long term, I am a student, I also have health issues and work. So I may drop off for a few weeks or a month then come back. In most cases, I try to give a warning. Sometimes things just happen. Either way, you can always ask for Discord to keep up with me OOC. But on good days, I strive to reply at least once a day, if not more. Feel free to nudge me if it's been a week or more, but know that once a day may not be average. Also, I play both male and female, and all gender pairings. But for simplicity's sake, plots will be written out with male/female indicated roles which can be switched based on your preferences.

Current Plot Cravings:

Based on a fairy-tale-ish short story I recently read; A young woman is born into a family where her older sister is beautiful, talented, and loved by all. But she isn't as beautiful, or as gifted, and because of the embarrassment of her, she is treated more like a servant than a daughter. In the royal family, the firstborn prince is born a monster. He's built a labyrinth where his parents kept him stashed away all his life while his younger brother, born beautiful and loved, is kept the shining face of the next royal generation. However, during a failing war with high taxation, the people began to grow angry. And as if that wasn't enough, the firstborn prince "escapes" his cage, and begins tormenting people's livestock and crops. Anyone who tried to stop him dies, and across a barren wasteland, in an enchanted forest, he's made his home, with piles of human bones with which he warns off any who try to come after him that he will kill them. With no one else willing to journey out, the royal family offers a reward for a peasant to willingly go to bargain with the beast. None come forward, even for all the jewels. But the Young woman, tired by her daily chores and demands from her family, is pushed by her grandmother to take up the mantle, with her parents agreeing. Despite her older sister's worries and protests, she is sent to bargain with a monster.

A place where i jot down ideas to form possible plots with later. Have cravings or ideas you want to develop? Shoot me a PM or reply here, and let's get this story started!
Posted in The Scribble Box Posted 6 years ago
My goodness it's been a while... HI FOLKS! Lol. Anyone still willing to give a chat to good ol'scribz?
Posted in Probably not the greatest post Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I don't know... I've been in the hospital the past week though and they let me out for a bit tonight to see how I do but I'm going back so... =(
Posted in Probably not the greatest post Posted 6 years ago
@Matcha: Trying. Everything just doesn't seem to matter right now.

@Totalanimefan: I have an intolerance to psych meds. I literally can't take them. Every time I have I have ended up having horrible reactions. My therapist knows, my doctor knows. I've tried to check into the hospital.