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Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
43, and trying to earn more. xD
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
@Howonk: I will have to ask my little sister about them. xD She listened to vocaloid and whatnot. Maybe she will also have some suggestions.
Posted in Netflix about to catch these hands... Posted 6 years ago
If they don't give me a season 2 of memories of the Alhambra. I'm not the biggest fan of kpop, but I love me some kdramas and this drama, in particular, was so friggin cool! And the way they ended it irks meeeee. D=

They keep doing this with a lot of good shows. Ending them weird or not announcing a season 2 until like a year or more later. Makes me wanna kick some people. >.<; And I'm short so that'd be quite the feat!
Posted in Scribz Gallery of Arts Posted 6 years ago
I've talked about it before, I've been out and around and about this. But I haven't made any posts on site, and as I am active on here, I figured it'd be the best place to start trying to get into the art community.

A bit about me:

I'm a young artists going to university to duel major in psych and studio art.
I've yet to find my style, and I tend to go with the flow on my artwork unless I have something specific requested,
or in mind.
I do both digital and traditional, though digital tends to get a little confusing for me sometimes as I haven't learned the ins and outs.
I have no art friends as of yet and would love to be able to talk to people about artwork and possibly do some art trades or odd and end
commissions. But as I have recently had major wrist pain even when simply writing, It's been hard to do a lot.

In the following link you can see my current art journey. And I will likely start posting more as time goes on.

Scribz Art Jounrey

Anyways, let me know if you like my work, and if you have any advice on digital or traditional! I hope to be able to share more works with everyone soon! Thank you!

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish Posted 6 years ago
Am I late to the party? [Was pinged earlier.] Also how is everyone?
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
@Garrister: Same. I miss hearing Evanescence on the radio. I like fall out boy and panic, as well as 3stm is still on there, but they aren't really the same to me. ^^;
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
@Bioshock: Teenagers, and some adults thought it was towards the younger adult side of adults. Lol. But yeah, makes a lot of sense.

@Niji: Let me know if you like it! I love trading odd music with people. So fun. =)

@Garrister: Yeah... There are some bands i love as a kid that I hardly listen to today because you discover new things, it gets you hooked and your start diving into genres with smaller name bands and then you end up forgetting about that band until you hear a song again. [me with one of Avril's new songs.]
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
@vintage: I do this as well! When I read some HP Lovecraft I whip out peter Gundry for some ambiance music. xD Really helps set the tone.

@Niji: Have you tried out digital daggers? Woman's voice is haunting and gorgeous and the lyrics can be pretty dark. =D I love dark and creepy music too.

@Shark: I will have to check it out! My amazon playlist is getting staaalllee. lol
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
@Bioshock: I felt that about a lot of bands back then, tbh. I remember listening to a song by black veil brides and ever since avoided them like a plague. listened to something recent and was like 'who is this angel?' I feel like some bands have ups and downs in a lot of their albums but I mean, it is emo music. Might sound better depending on emotional state. [bad joke I'll retire now.]

@Shark: I'll have to check them out? Any songs you'd recommend?
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
@Bioshock: Ohhh? Which ones have you been enjoying so far?

Posted in Oh, boy... Posted 6 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: xD Maybe. Got it made for now. And I fully intend to. I'm ready to spend money so I can finally make money. .\ Can't even work at mcdonalds without a diploma of some sort up here.
Posted in Oh, boy... Posted 6 years ago
@eliechan: Thank you! And same! I love bunnies. I'm fostering this one until I find her a good home but we have 3 dogs and my pup... He is not happy that a bunny is taking his attention so I have to like, close off the room when it's bunny cuddle time. D=
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
@Howonk: I really love Lo-fi stuff, but I've never hear anything from Vocaloid. =O
Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now? Posted 6 years ago
Due to being of middle eastern heritage, and taking arabic classes this fall, I've been diving head first into a lot of arabic music and TV shows. I'm so obsessed with this band I found called Hayajan. I love this man's voice and the music is just soooo... Ugh. But I am also a person who loves some music with a story and a funny mem-worthy side to it so I've also not been avoiding Old Town Road, you know what I'm saying?

What are you all listening to right now? [feel free to post videos/music links. Introduce me to something cool, folks!]

