Mandy Amour's posts
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Boss Rimi: Hello Hello and welcome! ;D
How are you?
How are you?
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Hahaha I agree with you there. I just made half of one for now since I remembered a few things I didn't get last time and I don't want to forget
@strawberry: Yeah I do have to open mine back up again I just worry that I will and then something will happen and Ill feel bad if I don't get them out fast Enough D; I usually try and get them to people I accept orders from within like a day or two tops xD shock the hell out of them
Aww yeah we can keep each other that sounds awesome! -clings too- mine xD
@strawberry: Yeah I do have to open mine back up again I just worry that I will and then something will happen and Ill feel bad if I don't get them out fast Enough D; I usually try and get them to people I accept orders from within like a day or two tops xD shock the hell out of them
Aww yeah we can keep each other that sounds awesome! -clings too- mine xD
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah I actually had to give my younger sister so many things because I didn't have a list and id just buy it every single time hAHA
I had like three peanut butters at one point haha
@Lydiachan22: Why don't you start off with an art auction then? they tend to always get a vast amount more volts and ohms. I wouldn't worry about prices though I mean people will either pay what you ask or they wont right? I am guessing for nice art people WILL pay the money regardless if they have to save for it. We don't have many artists on here right now selling so spots are very limited and everyone wants pretty arts ;D As for commissions of real currency I don't think you can on here even if they want too unless its a transaction done through like your DA accounts or something. You would have to ask staff on that one to be clear of the rules lol
@strawberry: Aww you are seriously just winning me over the more we talk, can I keep you? :p haha
Yeah you think it would do well? Hmm I mean if I had only a few slots I could turn my art thread into both? then I wouldn't have to worry about being TOO busy cause once the slots are filled I wouldn't have to worry about orders until I was caught up..hmm hmm sounds like a good idea I think xD
I had like three peanut butters at one point haha
@Lydiachan22: Why don't you start off with an art auction then? they tend to always get a vast amount more volts and ohms. I wouldn't worry about prices though I mean people will either pay what you ask or they wont right? I am guessing for nice art people WILL pay the money regardless if they have to save for it. We don't have many artists on here right now selling so spots are very limited and everyone wants pretty arts ;D As for commissions of real currency I don't think you can on here even if they want too unless its a transaction done through like your DA accounts or something. You would have to ask staff on that one to be clear of the rules lol
@strawberry: Aww you are seriously just winning me over the more we talk, can I keep you? :p haha
Yeah you think it would do well? Hmm I mean if I had only a few slots I could turn my art thread into both? then I wouldn't have to worry about being TOO busy cause once the slots are filled I wouldn't have to worry about orders until I was caught up..hmm hmm sounds like a good idea I think xD
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@strawberry: -sends you half of my motivation- There this way I can still keep up with things but not overwhelm myself xD haha
I will try not too :p but I do enjoy it its been a long while since Ive had a chance to make my own graphics and stuff so its kind of nice xD I thought about making a graphics thread to sell them and then also to have a section for about 30 premade ones people can just use xD Its on my to do list I just have to check other things off first
@Lady Luna: Oh I hear you trust me without my list I just walk around aimlessly looking and some how I spend like twice what I planned xD
I will try not too :p but I do enjoy it its been a long while since Ive had a chance to make my own graphics and stuff so its kind of nice xD I thought about making a graphics thread to sell them and then also to have a section for about 30 premade ones people can just use xD Its on my to do list I just have to check other things off first
@Lady Luna: Oh I hear you trust me without my list I just walk around aimlessly looking and some how I spend like twice what I planned xD
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Sounds like we both rock at multitasking don't we :p hahaha Go us!
speaking of that I really should make that too but Ill have to wait a bit cause this weekend Ill be studying for my
health and safety training course
@strawberry: Aww yeah I love to keep this place maintained and up to date because then all the information is current plus it shows people its active too :) Plus its nice to have new things to read and look at xD
speaking of that I really should make that too but Ill have to wait a bit cause this weekend Ill be studying for my
health and safety training course
@strawberry: Aww yeah I love to keep this place maintained and up to date because then all the information is current plus it shows people its active too :) Plus its nice to have new things to read and look at xD
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: A few things actually, trying to find a free copy online of the book the great Gatsby so I can help someone on here with one their assignments, she isn't enjoying the book so I thought If I read it I could help a bit lol
Im also working on updating and fixing the front posts of this thread to include more contests and prizes lol, Im posting on the forums to keep up my average with you :p and probably making new graphics for my post style, quest thread and I might change the ones here If I feel up to it haha
You hun?
Im also working on updating and fixing the front posts of this thread to include more contests and prizes lol, Im posting on the forums to keep up my average with you :p and probably making new graphics for my post style, quest thread and I might change the ones here If I feel up to it haha
You hun?
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Lol, So sorry for the late reply, I meant to message sooner but I was trying to update the code on the forums main page so that instead of the images I made your avatars would change every time you guys change so people who know to look out for in this thread xD Keeps it up to date and self sustaining xD
@strawberry: Awesome thank you so much! I was just updating the front page so that your avatars will change every time you change them on the site xD I just forgot so it took me a little extra time to figure it out hahaha
Aww are you sure though? I mean I feel bad you aren't getting your prize no matter how small it might be D;
@strawberry: Awesome thank you so much! I was just updating the front page so that your avatars will change every time you change them on the site xD I just forgot so it took me a little extra time to figure it out hahaha
Aww are you sure though? I mean I feel bad you aren't getting your prize no matter how small it might be D;
Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us!
Posted 7 years ago
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago
The leggings/pants for sure lol
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@strawberry: You also just won the Page prize contest for 1k xD woohoo
aww you guys on this site are just wonderful, I cant believe we have so many awesome individuals on this site and its still a baby! lol
You will be fantastic, which account should I use? Also which account do you use most often?, its quiet right now so you really don't have to worry about much, its mainly if your on and I miss things you think are important message or ping me 100 times xD and if people get out of line just ask them nicely to move that kind of thing out of the forums. I doubt we will have issues but as we grow some people don't fully understand that while the name is what it is that doesn't mean we allow sexual content and the like.
@Lady Luna: Oh wow I would say so that's crazy.. but I guess that makes sense though since its a lot more work to make he computer do what you want it to instead of just your own hand which knows what your thinking already haha
aww you guys on this site are just wonderful, I cant believe we have so many awesome individuals on this site and its still a baby! lol
You will be fantastic, which account should I use? Also which account do you use most often?, its quiet right now so you really don't have to worry about much, its mainly if your on and I miss things you think are important message or ping me 100 times xD and if people get out of line just ask them nicely to move that kind of thing out of the forums. I doubt we will have issues but as we grow some people don't fully understand that while the name is what it is that doesn't mean we allow sexual content and the like.
@Lady Luna: Oh wow I would say so that's crazy.. but I guess that makes sense though since its a lot more work to make he computer do what you want it to instead of just your own hand which knows what your thinking already haha
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah I can see that. Is it a huge time difference for you? Mine usually take anywhere from 4-6 hours to do one and that's when everything seems to go smoothly and I don't screw up all the layers xD if not its at most taken me 8 hours to complete one which still 8 hours really isn't that bad for something that lasts forever lol
Posted in Mandy Is Questing
Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: I don't mind helping as Ive never read it myself and I could do with something different in my brain than just online stuff however I am struggling to find a copy of it online, crossing my fingers that I can lol
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lydiachan22: Don't even worry about thanking me love! Your art is just beautiful! If you sell on here I would be absolutely over the moon! and if not maybe an art auction some time :p haha Either way you have some serious talent!
@Lady Luna: Yeah? that's awesome though it also means you can do more for people. I wish Mine didn't take me so long to do but that's partially my own fault for not owning a tablet and having to use my mouse to color everything in xD
@kiwi: Aww you are so kind like seriously I just want to bear hug you right now! ^-^
I never thought about it but I mean if I did allow donations and kept track of them it would mean we could do so many more contests at once to get lots more people in here lol I was actually tempted to buy $100 in currency just to stock pile in case but I feel I would spend it if I saw it rather then waiting till I need it and just buy it then xD
That's a great idea though, I could try it out and see, and thank you for the offer, as long as it wont put you out any I would love the donation of anything and Ill be sure to keep track on the front page somewhere so we always know where and how the donations are rotating in and out
also, would you be interested in being a VAG mod? You would basically just have to post here and make sure things stay acceptable and don't get out of hand. I don't mind some banter and joking but we have to make sure the name doesn't cause anything that would get us in trouble and the thread deleted
@Lady Luna: Yeah? that's awesome though it also means you can do more for people. I wish Mine didn't take me so long to do but that's partially my own fault for not owning a tablet and having to use my mouse to color everything in xD
@kiwi: Aww you are so kind like seriously I just want to bear hug you right now! ^-^
I never thought about it but I mean if I did allow donations and kept track of them it would mean we could do so many more contests at once to get lots more people in here lol I was actually tempted to buy $100 in currency just to stock pile in case but I feel I would spend it if I saw it rather then waiting till I need it and just buy it then xD
That's a great idea though, I could try it out and see, and thank you for the offer, as long as it wont put you out any I would love the donation of anything and Ill be sure to keep track on the front page somewhere so we always know where and how the donations are rotating in and out
also, would you be interested in being a VAG mod? You would basically just have to post here and make sure things stay acceptable and don't get out of hand. I don't mind some banter and joking but we have to make sure the name doesn't cause anything that would get us in trouble and the thread deleted
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes
Posted 7 years ago
@Lydiachan22: .
/Grabby hands
I want your art so bad it's so damn beautiful
/Grabby hands
I want your art so bad it's so damn beautiful