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Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Yeah I don't believe that, just like an artist needs a brush to pain on his canvas, a digital artists needs their tablet. Each one is just a different style of art. No matter what your tools are I don't believe that there is a type of art that shouldn't be considered "art" just because of how we make it. But to be fair and not to be mean but the older generations don't like change either..
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@kiwi: All you have to do is showcase your art in here, be encouraging to other users and show you are part of the VAG Artist society and then every month we pick a new winner! though I am currently working on other things to make people want to be in the spotlight xD

VIP yes there is a slight story behind it haha. Basically like you said some of us are just dirty minded and since this place is becoming more and more popular XD we will never actually make it VIP but I like to think anyone who comes here already IS VIP :p
Posted in Luna's Crescent Collection Q: Commons Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: I was honestly so happy about it too
I was like you know these aren't the best trading systems but if that's how easy it is to send "gifts" Im okay with it
meanwhile apparently we were just both on the ball accepting it super fast haha
Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: I think I just laughed so hard I might have actually pulled something xD

I agree with you though, I do find that talking to other artists here and there is helpful. Its like we understand what we are trying to say without having to fully say it you know? And you can see so much of a person in their art. Its something I love most of all. We are so vulnerable because of our art and sometimes I forget that we all fear rejection no matter how good we are or where we come from we all want people to accept our art because its so much apart of who we are as people. its basically them accepting who we are ^-^

Yeah I have thought about it but Ive had some friends tell me how awful it is to learn to use the tablets for drawing. So ive never put any thought really into it. Im starting to think even just for my sake it might be worth investing in one so my voodoo dolls aren't so time consuming and I can do even more of them for people lol
Posted in Luna's Crescent Collection Q: Commons Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: /looks at you with a vacant expression blinking fast/
huh..well don't I feel like a common rate tool xD haha
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@kiwi: You are lucky to come in now before this place becomes VIP only xD just ask @saeyra: Hahaha
Dirty Minded? yeah I think that's like 99.9999% of it, the other 0.00001% is pure curiosity :p

Now I have to go get some arts even if its from gaia -.- I want to have m avatar looking like a reporter so I can put it in the section for VAG Mag xD
Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Sounds good to me, do you want to start the trade or shall I? haha

Aww thank you hun, you honestly made me smile so much saying that. Honestly I feel like if I spent the time and got the right products to do my art digitally I could make them look so much more high end then they are. My voodoo dolls are the only thing I put out cause like you said, its not something people see all the time and I know in a world filled with millions of artists to be different is to stand out lol

I guess you are right, considering I only use my mouse and photofiltre I guess I should be much more proud of my art than I am some times.
Thank you hun ^-^
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: You are so thoughtful .
I just like you more and more every time you talk xD

Also the thread for arts with kiwi is closed /sobs a little/
why..why must the faits torment me so D;
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Wait a minute are you trying to get me to spend my fortune here?..
..cause its working! xD..
Posted in Why did you choose your username? Posted 7 years ago
My name is Mandy and Amour just sounded like my disposition. Im a people person I love everyone plus it sounded nice at the time lol if I had to choose again I would go with Azmaria
Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Yeah I need them all o.o I kind of was saving up and got like 90 of the shells and then they randomly were gone I didn't even notice time was running out for those xD I have pure so just let me know how much if you have any to spare :)

Yeah its not that I don't want too do my art but I see all you guys on here and I just don't feel like people would be interested. so not up to some of the standards here xD
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: yes maam! Might I say very big, very shiny, very...trophy like? xD
And an added bonus to that is they are incredibly rare as only twelve people A YEAR get one xD
They are definitely a hot commodity xD haha

also, you so got the very first one ever Saeyra!
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Hahah okay so you can ignore me in your quest thread and just answer here if you want xD
Posted in Luna's Crescent Collection Q: Commons Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Alright you, I gave you the Alicorn now tell me what you did with the wood chipper D;

/On a completely side note/
Apparently when trading with someone and you aren't expecting anything in return you can just accept the trade all on your own till it finishes? who knew haha