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Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: tell me where and I will follow you :p
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@kiwi: Yeah the name truly is the only reason people have come in to check this place out and you know what? I don't even care xD

Welcome to the V.A.G family my friend!
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: The way I see it items are items and as long as I have one im more than happy, besides the chances of me changing my avatar ever unless its to make this one better looking as a mother nature than chances are I wont even ever need it. Might as well go to someone who can ^-^
Eh I have lots of money on here at the moment I am not in any need so don't worry. pfft friends don't ask they just say "hey, hand it over, I call dibs!' and if I agree I do and if I don't I wont xD haha

Posted in Surprise, im new! Posted 7 years ago
Welcome to the community my little nakeed friend! Im so happy to see yet another new face here to join our ever growing family!
My name is Mandy is if you ever need anything don't hesitate to message me :)
We have lots of art shops and hangout for you to chill in, we actually even have some that combine both of those things all in one!
If you click my signature VAG its all about art and hanging out!

welcome and I cant wait to see you around the community!
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: /pokes it again with a sharper stick/ Yeah I think your right..
better be safe than sorry though right? throw er in the woodchipper luna! xD

Just cause I might have spares kicking around in my inventory collecting dust that I could spare one to give you from one
friend to another ^-^ if you were interested in the item still lol
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Hahahaa you are my kind of friend! /grabs you by the arm/
Oh the places we will destroy and the people we will never meet cause well be running far far away from whatever trouble we may have caused xD

Also are you still questing an alicorn?
Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: /looks at you like Ive done something wrong/
/kicks my dead art thread behind the door and under the carpet/

yeah..its artists like you contributing to the problem here..not enough of you to go around..making the rest of us scramble to find any..
/runs off quickly/

Yeah that seems fair, but I think people will have a good enough time regardless how many chances to get art there is plus people understand how busy you are *-* you are a hot commodity lol
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: /Looks at you weirdly and cocking my head to the side/
Whats wrong with you Luna? You have gas or something? you suddenly look all uneasy /blinks/ o.0
hahahaha xD
I am totally prim and proper I just also know how to get dirty once in a while without breaking any rules
maybe ill start to rub off on yeah :p hahahaa jk
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Its a shame I don't think I can post a picture in his comments cause im pretty sure it wouldn't show up as anything other than coding.. hmm now Ill have to get creative! xD or bribe one of the other admins to put it on there for me xD hahaha wonder how long it would take Fozzy to notice toilet paper on his profile any way xD

I also cant believe you don't want a hand in this Luna D; its pure gold lol
Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Oh wouldn't that be just magical? ;D
That's it we all have to move into virtual more having to adult on a daily basis..Im in! xD

Yessssss I finally have pure enough to bid on things like that ;D
Plus I have this item its a samurai shock that I could also use to bribe certain artists who might be itching for it xD haha
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah I could see that happening someday but definitely not today xD
No need for all those guns to be unleashed just yet :p

I plan too! Otherwise Im going to toiler paper his profile page..not sure how yet butl ill find a way xD haha
Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: You need to have a super bribe section available D;
Posted in Luna's Crescent Collection Q: Commons Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Are you still after alicorn or did you get it already?
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: I hear you on that one, its true that the fact it is smaller right now and for the most part users seem to be well behaved which is nice. Its a great time though cause you guys get to learn before all the wack jobs join the site xD

haha he knows I always have a comment :p
Speaking of which he promised me time in VAG too, I have to make sure to keep him to that promise this time or im putting him I a serious time out D;