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Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah I hope so. Reviews are coming up shortly so here is to hoping all this extra work actually pays off. Otherwise I don't even know what I'd do if I didn't get it :/
Posted in Mandy Is Questing Posted 6 years ago
@RainbowPanda: for the same thing we want to request or just a lot of other requests?
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: I know and to be fair my boss tells me the same thing but I push because no one else seems to care and I do. Plus I was kind of hoping id get the promotion that's coming up too which would make the stress worth it haha..
/yawns/ Im getting so sleepy now
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah? Hmm I must have missed all the fun while I was away. That sucks but oh well I will try and catch the next one! of course now I have to look into those items xD I wonder how many items ive missed in the last two months lol
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: We should just kidnap @fozzy: until he gives us what we want mwahahaha
This is true.. Ugh it sucks because I feel like sometimes im the only one who stresses out about what needs to be done
and Im the one who works through breaks and everything else to get it done.. I really need to kick myself in the butt and stop lol
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Im really surprised more of the monthly items don't have more hair options to be honest. Although we still have lots of time the sites still really a baby. Still maybe that's something to request? :) would be awesome if they help a contest for users to design items and winners get their items made and a set or two free as payment lol
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Hahaha oh okay cause I literally had to go back and look to see if I made an error or something xD I was going so fast, I really should type a little slower but apparently I have all this energy right now 0.0
Hahaha that is true, I really shouldn't worry about them all the time, I need some R&R too..
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: You are most welcome hun. Yeah I am absolutely in love with all the new hair styles from the orbs too. I swear I cant wait for them to go really cray with the hairs and offer really long big hair xD maybe not quite 80's big but you get what I mean haha
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Doesn't hurt to suggest it xD maybe we will get lucky no? lol
Loving your avatar by the way, its so festive *-*
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Wait what? did I spell it wrong? xD /runs to check/
regardless I cant stay home even if I wanted a mental health day cause were still very busy at work and they already have to go without me for three days next week xD

@Fozzy: Why cant they just make these things so everyone learns the same damn thing and can work anywhere D;
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: You just keep getting better and better Luna! I am so in love with your work ^-^
I seriously have to get my shit together get motivated and start buying some art from people lol
How hard do you think it would be to request a VAG item from the site xD hahahaha how epic would that be to be able to equip it and wear it lol even just a pin would be a win hahah
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 6 years ago

@fozzy: Really? I cant see why they wouldn't let you practice here in Canada. Regardless I still think you should move here you would love it and I could bug you every day :p mwahahaha
Posted in OMG OMG OMG Posted 6 years ago

@quoth the raven: Don't I know it D; looks like I will be holding on to mu funds until some slots open, makes me so sad T.T
Although I could get my art shop back up and then at least I could kill time and make more money for art when it becomes available lol but That's so much work D;

@fozzy: That's crazy.. okay well I guess this ONE TIME fozzy we can over look this abuse on the weekend system xD HOWEVER you should in fact be moving here to Canada...just saying..
Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have Posted 6 years ago
I am so sad I didn't get anything and I posted all day and then BAM! stolen T.T
This is what you get for being a lazy sack of potatoes like I was today I guess..

ZERO in the bank