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Posted in Mandy Is Questing Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: We need to get you working on this darn thing before you run out of time and have to do it the night before lol
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@kiwi: That would be wonderful to have this thread in a spotlight section one day ^-^ I feel like because of all the amazing people who come in here it is well deserved for sure. Also I forget to answer your one question before, yes showcasing is just showing off any art you feel comfortable showing us all. Be it photography, digital, traditional, collages I don't care. Its just so that everyone feels like were all contributing in some way to making this place even better :)

Its okay, I know now being older that people are always going to try and bring you down to make themselves feel better and that in truth they are truly the ones to be pittied in the end.

Yes I am still doing those little creatures xD I just was on hiatus for a bit cause I had pneumonia for like a month

I agree I love that this is inclusive of all walks of art and not just artists but art lovers too. We are truly a family and we need the support of one another to do what we love to do :)

@Saeyra: I agree with you fully on that. I don't think most of them truly understand what it means and what we go through to get to that finished piece some times and to have it trashed just twists your insides so much it hurts. Constructive criticism is fine, otherwise we would never learn but there is a line no one should ever cross..
Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago
@Vii: alright perfect and thank you so much!
Can't wait to see you around the site love!
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@kiwi: you are most welcome! Yea this is a very supportive place and we like it to stay that way.

Hmm my reason behind it? It's actually kinda sad. I've actually been bullied on other sites about my art not being worth selling on the site and because of that I gave up on my art for several years and it took me a long time to want to do it again.

So this thread is so that that situation doesn't ever happen to anyone else while I'm around. I feel like the it way we can improve is if we have criticism that's constructive and not degrading. Hence this thread xD
Posted in Fozzy & Friends [UNDER CONSTRUCTION!] Posted 7 years ago
@Fozzy: /nods my head to grand wish but stops.suddenly../
I'm.sorry master a genie can not tamper with time. Its too risky and may alter your future. I also can't grant any wish unless it's spending time with me xD
Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago
@Vii: not a problem I am a very patient person xD you just ping me when it's my turn. I'll do 10 cause your helping me out a lot! Want me to.send trade now or later on?
Posted in Fozzy & Friends [UNDER CONSTRUCTION!] Posted 7 years ago
@Fozzy: always :p I should of started back now but I'd rather talk to you haha
Of course it works! I'm like a magic genie hahah
Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago
Oh I forgot.. no dislike section, no likes.
Just about section, avatar, links, friends and comments please lol
Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago
@Vii: pretty much the way it is nice and clean and centered lol
- if you can move the avatar to.right beside my picture? That would be awesome.
- if you could leave comments where they are but make it so you can scroll to see them all instead of having them go so far down the page
- put friends on the right hand side beside my bio section so it's all straight

That's pretty much it xD
Want me to fill out a form for you now or?
And I'll send a trade once you accept my job or not :p hahah and tell me a price cause I know it's more custom than most are
Posted in Fozzy & Friends [UNDER CONSTRUCTION!] Posted 7 years ago
@Fozzy: pinging me while I'm at work..while I never.. xD haha
How are you Hun?!
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
T.T -throws self in wood chipper-
My goals are minimum I guess.. heh..
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: well if we follow eachother around I will definitely get there! XD
Also even if I can make the left side of the post thing until I can raise my posts higher for the all time posting records I'd be happy with that small victory too xD for now.. hahha
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 7 years ago
@Quoth the Raven: aww thank you very much Hun! Its always so nice when people enjoy your art! I too have to try them again I've only used them a hand full of times and I'd love to get even better at them myself. If you do use them I would love to see what you come up with! :)

@Nephila: nope not a problem at all it's just about what setting the fan is on, at least I've never had any issues. For the water color I just make sure it's a little further away so it doesn't spread them xD

And thank you! It was my first attempt so it was just pure luck it turned out xD
Posted in Mandy Is Questing Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: other than reading the book what is the rest of the project? Do you have to answer questions or is there something else that you have to do once you've read the book?