Millet's posts
Posted in Comic Series: Fun times with Dowan.
Posted 6 years ago
Font doesn't have to convey. It can also enhance. Like on CSI.
Font doesn't have to convey. It can also enhance. Like on CSI.
Yeah I didnt know either at first.
Posted in Comic Series: Fun times with Dowan.
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Comic Series: Fun times with Dowan.
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Comic Series: Fun times with Dowan.
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Comic Series: Fun times with Dowan.
Posted 6 years ago
Locked due to 6+months of inactivity in the thread. If you would like this thread unlocked, please PM a mod.
Millet, spilling the tea:
Dowan and Millet are writers here @Voltra. The comics are inspired by-( but not always accurately quoted) actual conversations. All are in good humor. Millet doesn't find Dowan mean, and Dowan doesn't mind being comic'd. This is all in fun. Enjoy the irregular uploads. @Dowan: Im WaTcHiNg YoU!
Posted in [ Fai's Shitposts ] - Fai didn't die.
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Word Association
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Overstimulated~
Posted 6 years ago
I tried looking up helpful techniques but legit, nothing has helped. Its just a quirk thats so challenging to have others understand. Its not a choice, its a physical and intense thing that wreaks havoc on me.
Posted in Overstimulated~
Posted 6 years ago
My hearing is actually very, very good. I can hear things most others can't hear/from far distances.
But it's utterly useless if there is another noise and then I can't hear anything even right next to me.
If I am having a conversation with someone, and like- a radio is playing.
I have to turn off the radio. Seems fine but it becomes a social problem during things, such as
Dungeons and Dragons. Teammates like to play with battle music playing. But I need it to be
so low that they claim they can barely hear it. Whereas I hear it and it sounds clear to me.
But when the radio plays at their preferred volume. I can't hear anything the DM is saying or
the players and I have to ask them to speak up a lot and they get annoyed. (not terribly annoyed- we are friends. but ya.)
It becomes a bigger issue if there is things such as a family gathering.
I'm not used to family gatherings, everyone in my family just kinda hates eachother and does their own
thing with minimal contact. But my fiance's family is jovial, super involved and has regular gatherings.
I don't mind that there's people around (I mean, I prefer my alone time but I'm not falling apart over human interaction now and then.)
but I do mind that there is so much noise..
The more layers of sounds start to physically jostle me and I cannot control it..
Dogs Barking.
kids screaming begging for a toy.
Fiance's father has a very deep but very loud voice and tends to yell a lot over everything.
(everyone kinda just accepts he has anger problems and yells angrily for no reason and treats it like a cartoon thing.)
My fiance has a very loud laugh and is always competing for higher volume over his dad.
Then the 2 uncles and 2 aunts who are having two conversations at once and trying to reel me in (to be courteous.
they all go out of their way to make me feel like family.)
The oven is buzzing
the microwave is humming
The ceiling fan is buffeting
doors being frequently closed and open.
sounds of steps up and down the stairs.
ringtones going off.
I get paralyzed. I freeze up. There isn't a headache but just a genuine over stimulation.
I get so friggin tense that if someone being kind touches my shoulder without my knowing I
jump like they stabbed me and it looks over dramatic and I feel super embarassed.
I feel like I kill the mood a lot. I did try explaining this issue to them and thoroughly expressed
"It's a me thing- I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong." so I try to escape but hmm..
They vy for me to come back and then I feel rude/guilty. But if I go back I get too overstimulated.
If I go away and try to come back in spurts I do a bit better but the minute I go away they all want me back.
"It's ok we accept you like this" is nice of them to say but they dont' seem to get that I don't like feeling like this.
Im not trying to hide myself in shame, I'm getting away from the thing that is causing my body to burn up in pain.
It's literally that bad, too much noise, and my body hurts. My head gets severely hazey/foggy. I can't focus on anything.
It's just a giant room of noise that is crippling. I've tried to explain that elelment but they just don't get it. (My fiance does, and
He has tried to explain too that I'm not taking frequent breaks to walk outside just to hide. but they don't get it xD "Well why
do her ears hurt does she need a ENT?" /myears don'thurt)
Anyone else relate at all? I know I can't be the only one with this issue. lol
This was like my entire day yesterday and it really left me feeling weakened the whole night
and even into today.... :/
Posted in Reasons to be sad.
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Love the Glasses-Here's why!
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Love the Glasses-Here's why!
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Nightmares.
Posted 6 years ago
What Millet said about the Narcolepsy. (Narcoleptics of Voltra unite!) Except I don't have medication
or any nightmares really. I'm an active lucid dreamer, and usually if my dreams go awry I can hero-mode them and save the day. I did have a lot of sleep paralysis/shadow people growing up, and more recently saw a light or light-bending version of said people. Occasionally I have waking hallucinations, but they're usually mundane non-bothersome things. I do have a stable world I always visit in my dreams, though, so I guess that could be considered re-occurring.
Youre not lucky to have narcolepsy, but damn youre lucky to Lucid dream your segments! I mean, its also kinda bad because lucid dreaming is even less restful than just dreaming, but at least having the ability to make your dreams yours frequently is amazing. Ive had maybe 4 lucid dreams my entire life and even then I couldnt "hold it" for very long before falling back in!
Posted in Millet's Fill-it, closet.
Posted 6 years ago