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    getting housework done is always such a good feeling

    today passed by so fast haha

    rice noodle soup
    some frozen soup base ma bought

    now i'm taking the 9axes political alignment test for fun hahaa

    hewwo i am back from dinner with tea

Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 5 years ago

    @misery: OMGGG the sword 😂
    thank youuuu 💕💕


    those stubborn adults who wont take this seriously are the worst

    @PurpdaBurpPurp: 😩 why are people like thissssss

    im so hungry
    accidentally skipped lunch again

    less crime with everyone at home 😭😂

    @PurpdaBurpPurp: since the lockdown started lol
    it was pretty quiet the first week or so but more people caught on

    @PurpdaBurpPurp: oh its like people cheering and banging pots and stuff
    my friend says its for the hospital shift change? just wondered if that was a citywide thing or downtown only hhha

    @PurpdaBurpPurp: alsoooo do you also hear sirens and stuff at your end of the city at this time? every day at 7:30 since lockdown started

    ya i tend to make eyes larger when i draw LOL
    i keep having to size them down dhfhjhgfd
    thank u transform tool

    just gotta walk slowly

    @PurpdaBurpPurp: ye it was a request from my friend haha
    but i was also like what would he look like in my style hmmmm