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    y'know we're slowly chugging along but page 300 soon

    hello hello

    i'm still not that well-versed in the npcs here but i make 0 effort |D

    too busy reading doujin rn |D

    i should move my butt downstairs to consume

    thinking about the sweet potato we steamed earlier
    i think theres still a couple left if my ma didn't eat them yet

    omg y'all finally are on at the same time haha congrats

    hello i disappeared to do
    something or other

    but also fck jp grammar that shit is so unnecessary

    politeness but then also adding o- go- in front of shit and being overly polite?? man i dont have time for that shit

    yes good @ that reply
    school them

Posted in Heyo! Posted 5 years ago

    @Lilykin: i haven't tried enamel and my school didn't have the proper facilities to do proper enamelling but that sh*t looks liek a pain in the ass |D
    i have a friend who did chainmaille, it's so hardcore and tedious wow

    lol im p sure they dont have the time for that
    also keigo is ass i hate it

    also lol tell them to look at canada
    we got that shit down

    picture memory and recalling it... pretty different


    i should go ask my jp fandom mutuals to see if they want an english speaking buddy hah


    if i kept it up? probably
    i can still write some but i struggle to recall for writing even though i can read well

    LOLLL multi-lingual problems
    i took jp as a saturday class back when i was in middle/high school and i'm actually pretty competent at it despite only taking it for like... 4 years? going at a pretty slow pace since it was weekly and not having used it in convos in yeeeears

    yeah exactly
    knowing how to phrase things... haha

    my language skillz
    eng > chn > jp > french

    since i know chn, kanji is no problemo hahaha