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    if you trip... goodbye ankle

    it's an acquired skill, have to train for it--

    platforms give you that ~power~


    i had these platform boots back in high school
    i only got them because they were called magnum lmao

    i'm listening to monkey majik's new album |3
    wasn't keeping up and didn't realize it was released back in february lol

    irl is busy it's ok |D

    new avatarrrr niceeee

    @Q t e a p o n: TOT



    VR art on my face

    the future

    no one is surprised LMFAOOOOO

    T_T save us

    hugfest woooo

    @Q t e a p o n: T_T we're always eternally suffering

    @Q t e a p o n: i know, thats why i didn't post there haha
    well i was considering it but then i was like... bitch u have so many other things to work on LOL...

    @Totalanimefan: ooh nice >:3

    @Q t e a p o n: yeeee i was gonna claim you in the draw the avatar above u thread haha

    yayyy off work
    i'm still technically on work hours but i'm also just bleh