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    oh god i do remember this song
    sweet? from hoshi no miyako, released 2005 LMAOOOO

    yes they were
    i'm looking at their discography rn lol trying to see if i remember any songs

    @Totalanimefan: also i liked SID's songs but that was waaaay back before they did anime songs lol i don't know their newer stuff

    *sidenote not all of them actually are active tho pahaha

    hell yeah +1 on avatar sites being more fun with your friends
    me as i drag mine around avatar sites with me

    my high school visual kei days

    i'm more into jrock so i've hit my list of all the bands i wanted to see
    dir en grey, l'arc~en~ciel, cali=gari, goatbed, monkey majik... |3

    there were some bands at cons i've went to but i didn't get a chance to see
    metronome (!!!!!!!! i'm so sad), flow came to otakuthon this one year... ye

    yep >:3
    i saw them 3 times, twice was free
    they were sooooo good i love them

    they did a free performance at the japanese-canadian cultural centre here years ago for some jp-cnd relations thing
    oh and another one a couple years back too
    it's good that they're canadian, they actually come and perform here hahaha

    @Totalanimefan: i love that they're a half canadian band hahaha
    they're so good

    that bag is not in my room at least so there's that |D

    @PurpdaBurpPurp: naw its ok
    better late than never :b

    yeah i do that for the daytime but at night when i have the entire bag next to me... i keep reaching in LMFAO

    @PurpdaBurpPurp: hahaha
    there are quite a number of us here :b
    even back on solia there were enough of us to have a mini meetup haha