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    gotta play jigsaw or poooost post post~

    theres one five guys downtown but i've never had it, is it good?

    closed for the night or closed for good?
    either way RIP

    do itttt

    reminded me to finally get my air purifier going again hah

    sometimes i can't stand white noise but sometimes i can
    listening to spoken voice helps me nowadays but its not ideal ahah

    i've gotten into a bad habit of just listening to stuff on youtube to fall asleep to
    ~_~ bad way to wind down

    in theory i should be getting more sleep in this quarantine but in reality i've just been staying up later and later because i can
    dark circles under my eyes will never go away

    3rd option: sleep early tonight because i was a dumbass last night and accidentally opened a 4-part doujin that was 30 pages each

Posted in ♡-♡ (a heart glasses doodle gallery) Posted 5 years ago

    @Kent: thank you~~

    for this character, he has a ton of newspapers and books just jumbled around |D

    but uhhhh i guess google too hahaha none of my characters are stylish enough to have nice rooms

    i will have to eventually

    naw it's because i'm drawing my character's room so i have to actually think about furniture and placement of things
    so annnoying

    or i'll go and do those dreaded backgrounds finally HA

    yea i'll do that... soon
    maybe do some lineart if my hand cooperates