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    i had 3 whole copic sketch markers i got for my bday but i used them up lol

    wow i just finished reading a cute doujin
    that was cute
    i admire people who can just draw comics and not actually put that much detail into it
    i keep trying and failing

    yeah ours is hydro-electric for the most part

    lol yeah
    supply-side and logistics and overseas sourcing -_- nothing is truly clean...
    grinds up charcoal to make ink this is fine

    good night come back and help us hit 420 hehehe

    something something internet electricity also uses a lot of energy something something
    but idk if it compares to traditional and the emissions from production and logistics and all that hah

    @Junko7: omg |D good night?

    that's even more intense lol good luck

    @Dipper: goooooooo get themmmm

    sounds intense :o

    i'm just a digital artist who doesn't want to spend money on art supplies
    just draws my shit and prints it myself pahaha

    yeah dw they are lol i tried them too

    yeah they were, she bought the from someone who was cleaning out their art supplies lol

    my friend bought a whole bunch of copics for cheap and i've used them a few times
    they bleed too much for my liking haha

    not pictured: the mess of a grid shelf i have next to my desk LOL

    yeah i have most of it planned out already, just gotta... get down to it

    >:3 thankssss
    i want a mini shelf but oh well can't get that rn

    i can't even afford $$$$copics$$$$ omfg