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    now i gotta channel this productivity into my comic
    i guess i just keep second-guessing myself and wanting to have the storyboards on lockdown before i start linearting -_-
    ughhhh why does my plot have to be so intricate

    like my desk right now haha
    i don't like having a dirty workspace

    wow it was gloomy all day but the sun just came out, it's so nice out now

    stress cleaning/procrastination cleaning to feel productive... at least will make you feel good for a little bit haha

    i only clean selectively -_-...

    also i have so many pens and markers and other stationery that i'm terrible at organizing

    i refrained from buying so much stuff in japan precisely because i knew i wouldn't actually use them

    i have a lot of lil boxes and containers from my watches and gifts that i don't really want to throw away.. but they're piling up D:

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

    oh yeah i wouldn't do that in front of bosses ever LMFAOOO

    my room is a constant work in progress but i'm mostly at my desk anyway and that's mostly clean so :'>

    cleaning to procrastinate... heh

    page 210!! good job guys

    also yeah no concerts either 8( it's so sad...

    well i went to wash the filters on my air purifier and vacuum cleaner lolll
    stuff i should've done but didn't until the very last minute

    now i'm just cleaning up my desk space ahfdhhf
    anything to avoid drawing i guess

    RIP all the cons cancelled this year

    @Tsundererra: they're probably gonna keep adding more in
    then i'll be Death too