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    i closed it 'cause i wanted some quiet
    now it's raining and sounds nice... =v=

    i'm just posting then going back to read the posts i missed then replying to that,

    rinse, repeat

    we can help push the entire site to 1.5mil posts
    so fast

    yo this is actually so fast holy shit y'all

    good luck he will love you back eventually
    date him more today

    if we could get to 420 by 4/20... that is goals

    it's good exp at least even if i fail to get to boss node but so annoyinggg >:U

    when's your wedding

    we're trying to hit page 200 and beyond

    ultimate goal: 420

    invite everyone to this thread?

    i keep failing this boss run in my game im >:U

    i say in an hour

    @Kairu: >:3

    holy shit
    "6 new posts" while i was typing

    we fast fast