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    but also recolouring is a lot easier than making new things |D

    good thing they did it though
    sooo good for adding colour to the head to balance things out

    they got it done so fast tho
    i only suggested it a few days ago too bruhhhh

    i suggested the horn recolours hehe

    i like putting eggs in my soup and scooping it up while the yolk is still runny

    egg drop soup

    yeahh these items are soooo cute
    i like the new mouths too
    finally they're positioned nicely on the face--

    listening to the community discussion lol
    still playing my game

    eat egg

    this stupid game won't let me go to boss node even though i met the requirements >:U

    i'm too lazy to fully change this avatar but i keep tweaking it with the new items as they come out >:3...

    keeps drawing this avatar

    wow we got 2 whole raffle winners in this thread >:3

    being optimistic
    me and e did 11 pages on our own this morning LOL

    @Bonnie: >:O time to recreate it!!!!!!

    hello y'all will we hit page 200 today? let's do it