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@mdom: I bet your skin is.
You guys are amazing <3
I am hydrated :D
I just need to get 40 more recolors XD
@Arcius: I deleted my Skype...since I don't really use it.
That's why I haven't been chatting with you on there.
@Shadami: Awww, that's not good XD
@mdom: Haha, that's so me.
@mdom: You should worry about yourself too XD
@Arcius: You are a vampire.
@Shadami: Awww, that sucks D: Maybe on the floor?
We can totally do this :D
18 more pages !
Yes, we do need some curly and wavy hair XD
@Totalanimefan: This is like the 2nd time today? XD
Charcoal drawing is so messy.