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They actually made the site smaller today XD You can tell by our posts.
We did great tonight! I'm so proud of you guys.
@Shadami: My feedback thread about site's layout XD
Can you guys stay 1 page after page 900?
I will draw the winner for page 900 XD
I hope she join!!
6 more long pages.
I know Hannah, and then I know another Hannah (total) XD
The future is now :D
@Totalanimefan: I said I have 30 of every milestone item...since you asked. :vanora_sweat:
@Unicorn: You are such a good friend to Hannah.
Aww Shadami T.T

I wish we have a gifting option on here, it's a pain for charity.
I have 22 extra headsets on top of 30...I don't know what I was thinking XD
I post a lot, so I had a lot of volts XD I donate too, but volts help a lot.
@Shadami: There are more re-colors XD
Good luck on trying to hoard those.