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@pixiebuns: I have a sweet cakes to sell, if you are interested :D
@pixiebuns: Yes, tomorrow :) There's no set time, whenever Fozzy make the announcement. XD
He probably make it by tonight, but then it might be tomorrow morning when we wake up.

@vengeance: Why you hoard so much Volts? Do you want to buy any items?

Watch, when I go to work and come back, you guys will be passed page 1,000.
I believe in you guys! :D Make me proud. <3

Pixie - next month items are going to be awesome. :3
Are you going to hoard them? XD
We are totally going to make page 1,000 XD It's already page 37.
@mdom: I feel sick :( I’m like sweating and stuff.
I have been sleeping on and off since last night :(
It's a sick party up in here. No pun intended.
When Total gets here, she will.
See ya later, aunt dragon.
I need to make a couple more posts first, I need some more Volts.
I'm going to rest a bit more. :D
I'm feeling sleep. T.T
What are you busy with?