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Is that why you are holding a glass? XD
Posted in I done spent all me' volts! Posted 7 years ago
I am the poorest right now. I spent all my volts on 10 of each event items.
@Unicorn: Pm on here or on FB?
@Shadami: I know nothing about drinks.
Go sleep lol, you always stay around. XD
@Totalanimefan: 3:30 until 8:15 pm. I switched shift with my co-worker.
I didn't want the all day shift tomorrow.
@Shadami: I don't know what that is.
@Totalanimefan: Good night dear.
@Unicorn: I haven't check it.
@Totalanimefan: Ok, I will let her know you gift it to her <3
@Shadami: What are you drinking?
I will chat with whoever still wants to chat.
@Totalanimefan: You can give it to her yousrelf :D <3
She will appreciate that a lot.

Good night everyone who is going to sleep
I'm staying around for a bit :D It's still too early for me. haha
@Nalight: Message me on I have you saved in my chat XD
I have a hard time remembering people real names.
@Totalanimefan: Congrats, you won page 900!