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@mdom: Same here, but I can post a lot sometimes XD
The other day, I was doing wall of texts.

@Shadami: Hehe, not you of course.
@Totalanimefan: Lucky you, that mean you can go on desktop at work.
@Nalight: Awww, that's horrible. :vanora_sweat:
Shame on everyone that said it was impossible XD
We did great today :D 10 more to go~
@Totalanimefan: How can you post while at work XD?
@mdom: You are probably balling right now XD
How many sets did you buy?

@Arcius: I can pixel, but I still need to work on my greyscale.
I always pixel too light or too dark, and I barely started pixeling :3

@Totalanimefan: I have been pretty lazy XD
I can make about 15k Volts in a day.
@Totalanimefan: You are going to take my crown soon XD
@Arcius: He didn't know anything when he first started?
@Nalight: I left that site XD
@Arcius: He came a long way!
I just need to make about 4-5 more k,
to get all 10 of every re-colors we have so far.
Panda 4 Lyfe!! *hints*