Shadami's posts
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

*double checks deadlines* woah there is still almost a month left? I've gotten so much done already :o
I'm getting faster at art <3

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

My avatar closet is like that too xD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

@Wildfire: I am relaxing quite a bit. Hanging out with my brother. We're gonna record another gaming session that I may or may not ever get around to editing cause I'm a slow editor

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

For past avatars : I'm drawing them and then adding them as characters. I have one avatar I noticed in my collection for example that I could make into an antagonist for the other character I made based on an avi xD
About emails: it drives me nuts cause so much of it is spam and I just can't keep up with all of it. I delete when I can and read all of the messages that are important. Like from family or the school

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Yay purpsy. I hope you do get lots done. :)
Hi everyone
I have to clean my kitchen today. XD and I'm probably going to end up at my computer relaxing again cause kids and hubby are doing laundry at Grandma's. Are dryer comes tomorrow

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

I haven't hear a single Christmas song yet xD

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

I mean I kind of just did that by drawing one of my sapherna avatars and then just busted out a profile for her as she was developing in my head while I drew her.
Also note: I have so many stories and so many characters. I could probably put a new character on every day for a year at least ...

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: technically both. Jason is his birth name but he goes by Shadow because during his memory wipe he lost his name. It wasn't until he rediscovered his brother Jacob years later that memories started coming back to him and they discovered a memory wiping plot by a series of hospitals across the universe that were stealing the genetic codes of different species

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

My eyes aren't focusing well and i felt another anxiety attack coming on when i wooke up, so i put music on in the kitchen and taped cardboard together over and over and over until I had a shelf built

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

and i didn't notice :O

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

glad you're feeling bettor chiffon

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

@Hachi: thank you

I'm having a ton of fun with it (also forcing myself to go to bed and not continue right now xD)
I have so many ocs and this is inspiring me to finally touch in with them again. Draw them myself instead of being plagued by the fear of I hate my own artwork for my own ocs because I for some reason struggle with my own characters xD and get so many listed.
I expect I'll be doing a bit of daily art routine because of this. Art commission today, art for myself the next day, for quite awhile xD . Cause I can only do one art piece a day or I won't get anything else done. Like chores and writing. Gah I'm so excited!

Posted in My prompt journal - now with drawing prompts for November
Posted 4 years ago

I have a toy house now and I'm so excited!!!! I got my first two characters up though they need more editing. It's at least a start.
I uploaded a few more of my art pieces from huevember to deviant art. And I'm starting to figure out how I want to reorganize my sims blog.
Also . Eep. My parents will be here on Monday *need to speed clean house tomorrow*

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!]
Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: y
Hehe yeah. I made an avatar of him on there so I decided to use it xD
Jason is the origin of my username . SHADow and his wife kitAMI. He's my precious idiot and I love him. I've got art of his brother and daughter somewhere as well that I need to find. And some more art of him that I drew ages ago. Since I made him when I was. Uh. Idk. 12?
I've just made the realization that my favorite male characters in stories I write are adorable gay boys... Or loveable athletic idiots with kind hearts. XD oooops.