Shadami's posts
Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35!
Posted 4 years ago

Just working on some stuff and being frustrated with my daughter. the usual xD

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 4 years ago

Hey there Dread! How are you? :D

Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35!
Posted 4 years ago

It saddens me how much story the players who only play one side actually miss out on, they just assume one sides lore is all that exists. Like sylvanas moving away and not helping the king because she was being attacked not because she was abandoning him.
I think I have about even spread of my 50s. XD

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I made improvised jambalaya for dinner .

Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35!
Posted 4 years ago

Before my subscription ran up I was super close to having Vulpera unlocked. I'm really looking forward to making one when i get a sub back xD In fact I may end up going back to horde cause i miss it. LOL I've been playing mainly alliance the last couple years. SO many 20 and under characters cause subs are hard.
I think I've seen you on Felsorrow before!

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@Zuzu: awwww that's so sweet!
@dragoness129: it was so nice to catch up. We all live in separate towns about 45-an hour apart with my younger brother in the middle. My older brother is the reason I'm a gamer. He's ten years older and we were just reminiscing about all the games he played that I would watch when I was 6 . Like resident evil that I shouldn't have been watching xD and incubation, and blade runner. So many games. He's like "I can't believe you can remember those. I barely remember them"
God it was a really great night. The three of us haven't been together with no kids/nieces/nephews around in probably ten years.
@Purpsy: goodnight purpsy ^^ I'm heading that way myself. I'm up waaaaay later than I should be, but it was worth it

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I'm doing wonderful. I just had a fantastic night, it was like being back in my childhood but with more adult conversation. I've got four siblings love them all. One is a nurse, one is a firefighter lieutenant. The other two are gamers like me and we got together on discord tonight and caught up and told stories and needed out for six hours of just laughter and fun

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Omg I'm finally back something like six hours later . XD
And heading to bed soon.
My 1 or 2 max blind test turned into a 6 hour nerd sibling rebonding and catching up chat

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

my older brother is finally getting back into his original career path and went back to school for game design. So I'll be blindtesting one of his school projects. :D along with his son and our younger brother.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Enjoy your shower! I need one tonight but i'm blindtesting a game so have to do that first. xD

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

*stares at current art that is almost finished*
gosh darn it. T.T *sob*

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

i still really want to see something else red at the bottom. i don't know why that red balance is bugging me so bad.
also Hachi I'm sorrrrrry!!!

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@ghost: i can add stuff to my unofficial one :P

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

i'm failing at socializing so haaard T.T