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yeah.. i was there waaaay before the inflation..."11/29/2004" that's my join date...
yeah... is there a way to check? xD i know it was early high school at least though.
god.. over 10 years ago... probably 2005?
10th...on I feel old
of course panda
i've lost to many friends. and my best friend had his wife cheat and leave him because he lost 150 pounds... i don't really have a say on this because of that ....
the poor people that change because of appearance changes :[
yeah that's what i'm gonna do probably.
i hate eating after midnight cause im' afraid of gaining weight i've been working so hard to lose. but darn it i can't sleep if i'm hungry xD
darn it... i just had a sandwich and i'm still hungry.
Well that is certainly interesting. xD I got super hungry even though its 1:30 am. xD
i'm not computer savvy. i just no things randomly here and there. xD i just follow computer directions and pick up things.
dos? like.. the command thingy for computers?