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I can't wait to see more items!!
@mdom: I h
How many husbands, Shadami, admit it xDDD

I have four t.t I've been caught I'm so ashamed xD lmao
ahhhh I'm going to check the winners!!!
oh oops I should pay attention to other threads xD but darn tablet!
I showed my husband Severus and now we're singing Potter puppet pals mysterious ticking noise xD
Severus is an adorable kitty!!!

Omg I hate my tablet I'm so sorry it called you slutherclaw!!!
Posted in Sims 4 Challenges Posted 7 years ago
I actually have sims 3 but it's not installed and I haven't played it nearly as much as 2 and 4. But he legacy challenges definitely has rules for all of the sims games. :) I just can't necessarily get it off the gallery to play in my livestream games because I don't know how and I stream 4. But you could definitely do similar and I'd love to see what you come up with!
Yeah I do too. I just really adored the fothy black and red clothes tat I wasn't able to buy before it changed it's marketing
You can do it slutherclaw!!
I miss hot topic when it wasn't just a pop culture prep store.. :( and fye was the nerd store for awesome stuff
My wand was made by a friend of the family, and his wife made me a gryffindor scarf not knowing I was a huffleslytherclaw
I thought fye was already closed for Good!!! :O they're all closed around my area already
Typo tablet is evil!! It's not my fault it wants me to have multiple t.t
I want Hogwarts stuff. I belong to tem all xD I made a ravenclaw scarf for my husband and I have a wand
Husband!!! Omg typo monster tablet. I don't have multiple husband's!!!