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Oh I can't see worth crap xD but I still try. Hehe
Oh that's cool. That's what I want to do with quilts. I've got plans. Just need to learn
Yeah I plan to make my own threads to. :3 but I want to get them with good themes so they get attention and posting. I want to do a gifting thing but I don't have the extras. :(
I need to get to 20k so that I can get the samurai sword.. :( I don't have one yet
Fiber artist? What is that?
I really want to learn how to quilt..but I don't know the material to get.... I can crochet at least....
Extras is something I haven't done yet. I haven't been able to afford extras of anything yet. :(
Well this is the first event. So not sure what they're gonna cost later. But people who !iss the event or don't get them all may want them
How the heck do they get money from it?!?! That's not right. Ugh. This is why I don't use cc or mods in sims 4
Posted in Which Pokemon follows the AAY? Posted 7 years ago
I think you're getting followed by a teddiursa
Syeah no you can't just convert things unless it is your own
I can't keep my nails long so I haven't broken a really long one. Can't say.
I bet it will be accessories!!
It's always fun to get the max volts per post. That way I can buy as money Commons as possible. I'm looking forward to sewers personally. I want to see what they have planned.
Hello rainbow panda . :)