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Posted in Pin ups r us!! Posted 7 years ago
@Lithinel: you are finished too :D

Posted in Pin ups r us!! Posted 7 years ago
awww thanks for the quote Kent

I shall add you to the list as well. ^^
thank you Okios!! She asked for waving and chibi so that's what i came up with ^-^ I'm going to be sticking to that kind of style . It's actually a big challenge for me to not try to clean everything up and to actually get things done in an hour or less. So that's kind of my goal for the month. Push myself to start speed drawing and get better and better at it Until i CAN do clean lines and colors fast.
Posted in Gamer's League [Open!] Posted 7 years ago
me to. i can't handle it. xD I just want to have fun so i avoid the games where people get to salty.
oh my gosh look at the new crate items!! angels and demons
Posted in Free steam games {open} Posted 7 years ago
There are free games all the time all over the place. its how i got sims 2. xD there was some code that was released to get it and a few of its expansions awhile back.
Posted in Fun Fact: Cost of commons [Updated 2/9] Posted 7 years ago
22, 625? eeeeee <3 that is so doable. Thank you dragon!
Posted in W.W. of Pokemon OOC Posted 7 years ago
xD silly dragon
Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89 Posted 7 years ago
(me too)

"Okay sounds good." He decided to wait until she got back so that he could keep an eye on the animals while she was gone. That and he wanted to skim the homework while he had a moment, see if he could work out the new math adding in the division and clean up the mess later. At least the new equations would be finished. Or at least that was the plan. When she opened the compartment door again he shoved the papers back in his bag with a scowl. "Why is division so hard." He scowled before grabbing his uniform and trekking out into the hallway for the lavatories to change.

On the way back he heard people talking about some uprising reported in the daily prophet but didn't think much of it. Some muggles were still unhappy about having been lied to all these years. Honestly it was silly. Lied to is what they were worried about? He rolled his eyes and pushed his way back into the compartment.
Posted in Wonderful World of Pokemon {Open} Posted 7 years ago
Bailey Flowe

Paprika city was far behind her now. The home she'd grown up in left behind for a chance at adventure. It was time to get out and actually live life. She'd passed Rosemary forest already and was on her way to Cilantro. It had been an interesting trip that was for sure, almost uneventful as she'd trekked on sticking to the paths. Bailey raised her hand to block the sun from her eyes and look ahead of her to where she could see the new city she was approaching. Excitement pumped through her veins as she broke out into a run. It felt wonderful to be running out in the open after the dense shade of the forest where she was always nervous she'd trip over a loose root.

The forest has been pretty quiet since she'd kept to the path, she was nervous about actually wandering off into the woods by herself still because she didn't like to fight. Maybe if she could meet new people to adventure with she would feel safer and she could go exploring and learn more about pokemon so that she could care for them better. Zale had enjoyed the forest though and it had been wonderful letting him walk with her and enjoy the trees. She figured if the forest was so lush than he would enjoy whatever nutrients were in the air that helped plants grow. She jumped in the air with a whoop and of course lost her footing when she landed again and sprawled sliding several feet in the dirt path on her front.

She rolled over and laid on her back looking at the clouds in the sky as she recovered with an embaressed grin on her face. Than called out both her Bulbasaur, Zale and her Lotad, Lily. "Hey you two." She called cheerfully as they popped out of their pokeballs. "Want to trek with me the last bit of the way to the city?" Zale titled his head staring at her dirt covered front and than agreed with a smiling "Saur!"

Lily let out a faint "Lo." in agreement and waited until Bailey stood up and picked her up. "Okay than! Let's go!!"
i'm just kind of curious how many i can do. i wonder if i'd be able to do the level that dragon is doing.
i half want to mark my posts just to see how many i have in the thread >.<
You can do it vengeance. ^^ that is completely doable :D
not stockings. they're pants. xD i just found a way to layer them :D
you can do it time :] its completely doable!!!!!