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My cat got attacked by some wild animal and we had to wrap his leg. They don't like having their legs wrapped but it does help to heal it faster and allows them to still get around independently.

I've been getting more into my sketchbook lately. I kind of wish I could share it. but my camera isn't set up for filming it really well. i don't have a rig for a straight down at the desk angle. Something I want to work on.

Pretty much everything i draw feels like an experiment haha. I'm always trying new things and trying to improve. when I'm just sketchbook drawing i mean.

i drew another random thing instead. xD

But the color palette might make a good mimikyu? or simple joltik or something.

I really hated it though. xD haha i scrapped it and started something new with the hues. I just have no idea what i want to draw at all. I'm gonna end up just drawing a pokemon cause i have no idea what to do. haha

I think my problem is i still try to leave the details even when it's shaded on that side. But I don't know. It's crazy how bad i am at faces xD

I learned that I still have no idea how to shade faces without references x.X I don't know why I struggle with faces so much.

Here. It was at the very bottom of my post. My brain just died when I tried to work with just three shades.

@Wildfire: the art was in the spoiler xD the art I went off to do to try to get recentered.

Posted in CLOSED Posted 4 years ago

Writing is fun...?

I haven't started nano this year and I'm not sure I'm going to. I had a like 6 year streak going so it feels weird but.. yeah Im just not sure if I can do it.

I need to make a nice sized party for my adventuring story I'm going to randomly start here soon. So gonna list some interesting character ideas here.

  • Rich rogue that's a spoiled brat and learned skills in the castle though not sure if that's to team rocket James.
  • Half orc sorceror
  • Gnome ranger
  • Shifter rogue
  • Dragon born sorceror
  • Druid
  • Cleric tabaxi
  • Warlock tortle
  • Wizard really buff ..barely out of school?

Posted in The nothing fancy art gallery! Posted 4 years ago


this art is awwwwwful

I've heard of that paper fire thing. I think it was on some show or something.