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my favorite one lately has been all us girls were playing with our dinosaur toys and hubby walked in and picked up the pteradactly.
"Hey girls, do you know why you can never hear a pteradactly go to the bathroom?"
My middle girl just goes. "That's cause they're all extinct daddy."
I DIED laughing at his ruined dad joke.

awwww so sweet <3

Awwww no leave the silver capped tooth in! xD cute


[size=11][color=#9F79EE]@Hachi: The consumable items will be brought back as their very own items! I will be adding that in the next few days!


are they going to be added to equipable? I just noticed that I can't equip my bags and stuff anymore.

Another question that i haven't noticed if anyone has mentioned it, I have a broken item in all my inventories. just one single broken image that is always equipped and i can't get rid of it. [/color]

They really do xD so many stories i have.

My little girl hates things on her head unless she puts in there and it only stays for a second even then xD

It's been in the 50s lately, around 35 low is starting though. And snow was predicted for today but didn't happen cause it's gonna be warmer again soon.

upstate new york is fillllllled with small towns. xD

I find the oddest combinations. Things you woudln't expect to work together. and i tend to just click looking for similar colors to a pallette xD

i get ideas whenever i click in my inventory and click on one item and then just go from there. xD

I'll probably be changing again once the event starts cause i do that a lot xD

Here's another posty :D poke poke poke

Oh gosh yeah. i hate when mice start double clicking!

and 10k is huge to me. hahaha

I actually don't know the population of the town I'm in right now but i think it's pretty low around the 5k mark still.