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it says i feel like typing with my nose xD

fddel lik typing ith my nos

yay i did it!

Posted in Bumps and Spams Everywhere Posted 4 years ago

kilike i like your pun thread. so i'm using it to bump a bit

Posted in Bumps and Spams Everywhere Posted 4 years ago


i typed boop with my nose

So next week maybe >.< Which means i must make sure to bring my phone charger to keep up with posting during the day i can't be home xD

yeah it was. xD But i don't know, my mind was like "nah inspectors are so good at their jobs they'll never miss ANYTHING!" xD

so oh well. we've got some extra furniture laying around now cause we had to empty a bedroom. hopefully we can do the rest of the fixing pretty fast and the asbestos removal. We obviously didn't want to risk it at all with kids in the house.

they is the guy who came to install our new carpet ^^;; got the furniture out. got the old carpet up, went to remove the tack strips and went. oh god. moldy carpet mat. OH NO WORSE. ASBESTOSE TILE.

so he can't remove the tack strip and we have a surprise issue with the house the inspector missed completely.

yay for days off :]

i'm about to panic :D they found asbestos underneath the carpet

Posted in Supernatural Cafe (Humans welcome) Posted 4 years ago

Happy Halloween cafe. i feel like hot chocolate today xD

Oh I am fully prepared to do full homeschooling. But their virtual education system is attrociously bad. xD

I wanted to home school the girls, i was preparing lesson plans doing all kinds of research. when they were little... then... then.. my oldest clearly reverted and i was fighting to get her the care she needed. >.< she had to go to school cause she needs multiple teachers and 1 on 1 education. Which of course i can't give to the level she needs. it sucks.

I just wanted to check to make sure it wasn't just mine glitching out. I know 2020 is a weird year and you all are working hard. ^^ I missed two events and and an inventory overhaul while I was away. That's alot!

Posted in Supernatural Cafe (Humans welcome) Posted 4 years ago

I have no idea what that is. But anime?

Someone tested positive in my school district so I'm sure trick or treating is canceled here as well. And this is why my girls I chose virtual learning even though it was gonna be insanely difficult with my oldest