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@Q t e a p o n: I hope it's a better day for you ^^

My days been hectic xD Girls almost missed the bus cause no one was ready this morning. My brother who gets them on the bus didn't wake to his alarm because he has a cold coming on and slept throught he alarms. My little one thankfully didn't need to go into school so i was able to get the older ones on the bus myself. and then pick one of the older ones up for a doctor appointment and almost have 5 accidents cause people are insane and i have a reason to be petrified to drive . sigh

@Wildfire: tehee. did you look at my answers and go... "wait. this doesn't add up".? xD cause i submitted it anyways

Posted in Crash Course || Jigsaw Game Posted 2 years ago

@Q t e a p o n: thanks. ^^ i'm for sure going to need it.

Posted in Want avatar doodle arts? Make a request ! Posted 2 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: Oh... i think i entirely missed this coming out cause i can't even pull up an image in my head xD

@CooperationIsKey: close it down. return to us!!!!
actually i need to try to get minecraft set up (windows not java) on my laptop, and figure out how to make a second account for my other daughter, so that two of them can play at the same time.

Everyone is constantly looking amazing!!

i know you do ^^ i've seen your many many many avatars over the years :D

Posted in local man's event hangout Posted 2 years ago

i was trying to come up with a way to combine feral and forgotten to say the thread is "combination of the word"
But the best i've come up with is Ferotten, and that sounds bad xD

@Q t e a p o n: basically out of energy xD

Posted in tentative freebie art... Posted 2 years ago

oh yeah, same! ^-^ unless you wanted to draw my current avatar, I just wanted to pop in and say hello cause i like posting everywhere and helping keep event threads active.

well its fun to fiddle with avatars , so it's okay ^^

Posted in Fins and Whiskers - An Event Hangout Posted 2 years ago

then absolutely eat something ^^

oh my gosh, i only need 14 posts now :O

Posted in [B] Listed Items ++ ([S] temporarily Closed) Posted 2 years ago

@dragoness129: okays! :D I gotta finish getting the last of the Volts. I'm at 50k right now which i tossed in... and earned most of since the start of the event. hehe oops.