Shadami's posts
Posted in Want avatar doodle arts? Make a request !
Posted 2 years ago

Yes you do ^^ go get the voltorbs!

Posted in le spice rack
Posted 2 years ago

That's not a bad idea honestly. But I'd probably mess it up somehow xD

Posted in Fins and Whiskers - An Event Hangout
Posted 2 years ago

*nods to both of you*
I wish it was easier. By alot. It's exhausting and stressful dealing with these things every day. And the leader doesn't quite have it in their head that they need to do something about it.
Because they don't want to confront anyone.
But also refuses to release power and cripples own staff members from doing anything by making them jump through hoops to deal with a problem person.
Who is allowed to block staff members if they have a problem with them LIKE HRING TOLD THATS AGAINST TOS DONT DO IT. Please move on.
Wah eah. You're bullying me. I'm blocking you.
Then keeps doing the bad thing and staff can't do anything because they're blocked.
This leader is about to make me leave the community and bail on them >.> These people are hurting others and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies
Posted 2 years ago

We will all find the perfect balance somehow ! ^^

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

Don't want you getting in trouble. :)

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

Uh oh. Since you're new you may not have seen the rule yet. But you can only post twice in a row unless it's the under current (which doesn't count for this game) undercurrent you can post as many times as you want.

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

Things went meh smoothly. They did not finish their chores. But I've sent them to bed anyways.

Posted in Let's go exploring for dem confetti
Posted 2 years ago

Energy drill instead of gas drill would be so nice

Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies
Posted 2 years ago

I've been feeling real shaky on my art lately. Just feeling really off kilter .
So I'm glad the fan art doodling got you all warmed up. It must feel wonderful!

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

For a moment I legit thought ominous dancing in the background was part of your post style.

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

Wow I've missed a bunch while Ive been trying to deal with kids huh

Posted in local man's event hangout
Posted 2 years ago

Oh is that like the robot factory game noises?

Posted in Fins and Whiskers - An Event Hangout
Posted 2 years ago

@Kory: I can't even tell if this is something the person says offline or not. Just that it was a very hateful message and wrong.
I don't know if they don't realize they're talking to people they're talking about and just assume that everyone is like them? Or if they are trying to hurt people.
My imzadi says their messages were. Um... Dog whistles ? Or something like that. But it just wasn't nice :( it's all sorted out now. And someone else that just got banned is whining and trying to say she got banned because someone had a power trip and she's the victim and it has nothing to do with her own actions.
Like being sexually explicit and then calling me an idiot for asking her to stop . And saying that traumas are a joke. "because she has the same one but she's fine so I should be too"

Posted in Winter's Touch: Anniversery Version
Posted 2 years ago

@star2000shadow: glad to hear it :)
And sorry. I'm scatterbrained all over the place today. Didn't mean to poof for hours while chatting