CooperationIsKey's profile
CooperationIsKey whatever

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I'm obsessed with this song and video. It goes WAY harder than it has any right to and I love it for that.
Hello, I'm Key! Since the field for it won't let me put in my full pronouns, I'll say it here: I go by he/she/they. I'm a big ol' dork with too much time on my hands who mostly just wants to make people smile. I draw a little, game a little, and I love building websites even though I'm pretty terrible at it.
Sometimes I make videos for my YouTube channels—mostly fan stuff on the primary channel, and the secondary channel is my channel for my invertebrate hobby—I raise sea monkeys (brine shrimp) and isopods and hopefully more in the future (I really want bumblebee millipedes)! I also am a plant parent, getting excited with each new leaf on my plants, lol, and I dabble in terrarium-building, scrapbooking, and collect a bunch of stuff (plushies, hedgehogs, rainbows, little vials with keepsakes inside, stationary...).
Feel free to ask me about my hobbies anytime; I love sharing them! :D
Also, I'm "CooperationIsKey" on Gaia Online; do give me a heads up if you recognize me!
aquariums, avocadoes, Billie Eilish, hedgehogs, isopods, plants, rainbows, Sea Monkeys, terrariums, turtles, unicorns, video games, YouTube
bigots, carrots, cigarettes, daddy longlegs, loud noises, nags, politics, religion, slow internet
aquariums, collecting, gaming, invertebrates, plants, scrapbooking, terrariums, video creating, website design

I really love your avatar! ^^
hi, Key!! Found you through Neocities :D -Toby
Love your avatar.. I love isopods as well I have 3 species .. dairy cows I have 100's I started off with 10 a few months ago 🤣🤣
You're welcome and thanks lmao - I changed it not long ago (if my memory serves me right lol)
Great avi xD
Cool new avatar! *insert sparkle eyes emoji* ( 0w 0 )