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    @Wildfire: the sun? Never heard of it XD The weather is again grey here, though supposedly later in the week we’ll be seeing temperatures of 25 degrees C, which is pretty good! I’ll believe it when I see it tho lol.
    oh no, bugs! I hope you manage to get rid of them! I’m sorry your plants are looking a bit grim :( maybe they got too much water? Idk XD

    @Wildfire: oh that’s good that the storms pass quickly!
    Yeah, I’m not sure how much writing I’m going to get done, I’m pretty sleepy, but I’ll give it a go :)
    How is your garden looking today?

    Oooo thank you! What a nice batch of items! I especially love the new face items this time around.

    @Wildfire: oh man, i find driving scary in any capacity, never mind in a storm!
    Sorry I disappeared for a while there, I’m back at my place now. I am hoping to get dinner, work on my novel, and sleep early, hopefully in that order XD I think for dinner I will have tomato soup, I’m not particularly hungry. I’ll have some fruit later if I get hungry, but probably not.

    @Wildfire: that sounds wild, but I guess you get used to it. I imagine it is pretty dangerous to drive in those conditions!!
    Don’t they call Florida the sunshine state?

    @Wildfire: I bet, they can be scary. Do you get them constantly during storm season? Like non stop?

    @Wildfire: oh I know that kind of storm, very annoying. Just a sort of echo in the distance. Enough to be annoying. We haven’t had a good thunderstorm in such a long time……

    @Wildfire: i didn’t sign up for this!!! (Just kidding, I love it).

    Aww no, poor dogs :( my dog hates thunder too. I hope the storms pass quickly!!

    @Wildfire: yeah, writing a novel is hard work, who knew???? Lol XD

    it sounds like you have a relaxing day planned, the best kind of day!!! I hope you have a good time watching your son play.

Posted in How Many Dust Bunnies Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago
    207 bunnies

    @Wildfire: no plans for the weekend, idk what to do. I really need to knuckle down and work on my novel. I keep writing like 3 chapters and then hating them, and going back to start over lol. I need to work on that.

    Do you have any plans? Other than watching your son play in his band, which sounds so cool! Does he get nervous playing in front of people?

    @Wildfire: oh man, I’m sorry that happened to you! That sucks!!! At least you’re warm and dry now :) did you get what you needed?

    I’ve had a nice time thank you:) it always seems to go by so quickly…… went on a nice walk and generally relaxed. It was a chill time.

Posted in How Many Dust Bunnies Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago
    200 exactly

    @Vynndoria: yessss, I love that vibe! That's definitely what I was going for :)