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Posted in How Many Dust Bunnies Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago

Posted in maybe returning ? Posted 3 years ago
    Welcome back! We’re having an event right now, so my advice would be to get stuck in!!! Capture those dust bunnies!

    @Wildfire: lol that’s wild, so it’s a surprise what plants show up? I love it!

    @Wildfire: no caprese pizza??? :o
    Ummm, what about peas, do you grow peas? Sugar snap peas in particular are a great snack food. I used to feed them to my rats but it always seemed like I enjoyed them more lol.

    @Bonnie: that’s valid, professional stuff is hard to find in bright colours tbh, it’s mostly black on black. I think black has a time and a place!

    @Wildfire: it’s divine one of my favourites for sure! I also like the combo on a pizza, though tbh I like most kinds of pizza!

    @Wildfire: mmmm that's good stuff. I love ciabatta in place of regular bread. With a little drizzle of olive oil..... Perfection!!!!
    I first had caprese salad when I was in Italy and I knew instantly that I had missed out!!! It's the perfect combo of ingredients XD

    @Wildfire: I love to combine tomato with other ingredients - especially cucumber, ham and cheese. Sometimes pickle. Sometimes avocado if I’m feeling fancy lmao. Honestly I will put tomatoes in any sandwich, in any combo. Though you can’t go wrong with simple cheese and tomato. I am a big fan of caprese salad and so sometimes I’ll add basil to the sandwich.

    @Wildfire: mmmm a tomato sandwich sounds pretty good right now :) do you put anything else on it or is it a tomato extravaganza?
    I wish I had some in but I have absolutely no veggies in the house atm. Only fruit, which is still yummy, but not what I’m craving. It’s probably for the best, it’s nearly bedtime here!

    @Wildfire: oooo what variety tomatoes? I love tomatoes, especially cherry kind. So refreshing! I’ve already eaten but you’re making me hungry for tomatoes again XD

    @Wildfire: I know a few people do grow cucumbers here in their allotments, I know they have some success. I think cucumbers like our British climate, though I’m not expecting them to grow particularly big.
    I wish you good luck with your bucket/trellis.
    All this talk of dead plants is depressive lol, have you got any good success stories from your garden?

    @Wildfire: ooo i would love to grow cucumber. It’s one of my favourite veggies and I would love a home grown one. Are they difficult? Idk. I’m sorry the mildew got ‘em though, it always hurts when a plant dies, even though they’re not alive in the traditional sense. It’s sad when they succumb :(
    Oh I see!

    @Bonnie: lol, it’s certainly a big effort to transform your wardrobe. I started out by only buying bright colours when I needed new things, and eventually replaced old favourites with brighter coloured versions. Now I have barely any black/white/grey/etc, though they are necessary for work/formal/etc.

    @Wildfire: oh no :( that’s rough. I hope they pull through. Is your garden pretty big? It must be if you’re growing squashes :O :O :O I was imagining a little plot of land but it seems like you have quite a bit of land!!!