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Posted in decluttering a house full of dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago
    @Unicorn: I don’t know anything about canning. Maybe you can find some tutorials on YouTube? :(

    @Wildfire: aw you should do that train trip. Trains are such a cool way to travel, I love super long train journeys. I used to have a 5 hour train journey to university and it was so relaxing and chill. Definitely my favourite mode of transport.
    100% humidity??????? That’s insane. You’re basically underwater at that point. Aw man, I would not be able to stand that. Do people just hide indoors with their air cons???

    @Wildfire: yeah I bet that heat is tough :( really hot weather is just a lot to deal with:( but fun the rest of the year!
    I would like to travel more within Europe. I did have a plan to go travelling Europe via train, but I had some health issues come up so I can’t do that just yet. Would also like to take the ferry from Spain to Morocco and see a bit of Africa. There are lots of places I’d like to go tbh. I am not a big fan of planes tho lol!!!

Posted in decluttering a house full of dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago
    @Unicorn: I haven’t had mulberries in so long!
    There’s always jam you can make. I’m not sure what else you could make.

    @Wildfire: hummus is great, I love how versatile it is. It’s good with so many things.
    What happens in the middle of summer? Too hot? Or is it tropical storms?
    Maybe! I’ve lived around the uk and in Italy , but I always seem to keep coming back to where I grew up. I really love this particular area, though it has no redeeming qualities, I guess it’s just nostalgia lol. It’s nothing special but I feel at home here. Still, I would love to explore more of the world one day!

Posted in decluttering a house full of dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago
    @Unicorn: ooo I too pick berries! Mostly blackberries around these parts, but they taste extra delicious being foraged. There’s something different about food you picked yourself.

    @Wildfire: they’re good for dipping in hummus too, extra delicious!!
    Oh I see, it must be a really popular place. Must be all that good weather etc XD I know I’d find the tropical climate super appealing. I doubt I will ever move abroad but it’s fun to dream and speculate.

Posted in decluttering a house full of dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago
    @Unicorn: that’s pretty cool! Have you been doing it long? I would love to pick mushrooms , but I’d be scared of picking toxic ones……

    @Wildfire: lol valid, carrots make a lovely snack too. Can’t abide celery personally, it has such an overwhelming taste that kind of lingers….
    A lemon tree would be great. Lemonade on tap! Honestly I just love the smell of citrus plants. It’s really relaxing. I need to move to Florida!!

Posted in decluttering a house full of dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago
    @Unicorn: oh no, that’s a shame :( mushroom hunting is so much fun! What kind of mushrooms do you like to find?

    @Wildfire: but the crunchiness is the best part! Cold from the fridge and crunchy!!!! I do love it cooked too, it is the best part of a roast dinner imo.
    Just plain old white potatoes… I know right? This climate is perfect for them, but I have always had such rotten luck with them for some reason :( it would be cool to grow sweet potatoes too, I don’t eat them as often as I would like.
    Citrus is so picky :( if I’m ever in a decent climate, I’m growing limes and lemons. I have wanted a lime tree forever because I think they’re such pretty plants. But alas, British XD

    @Wildfire: my favourite veggie is broccoli by a long shot. I love the stuff!!! I can eat it raw, I love it so much. I would have broccoli with everything tbh.
    If I could grow anything it would be potatoes, so useful and versatile yet in my experience difficult to grow properly. The few times I’ve tried it’s ended in blight and rot :( I would also like to grow citrus but I have to accept that it will never work in Britain…. My orange tree hasn’t fruited in like 4 years and I don’t expect it to any time soon…
    Not very exciting answers hahah but truthful xD

    @Wildfire: slimy food isn’t usually my thing (thanks sensory issues) but I still want to try it. I suppose it’s the same as any veg, just don’t overcook it. I will definitely try it if I get the chance!
    Food can be so weird! But at least there’s variety; keeps life interesting.

    @Wildfire: fried okra? I could certainly give that a go. Tbh I have never even seen it in stores here, I think I would have to go to a speciality market or something. I follow a few cooking YouTubers and they sometimes use it and I am always curious what it tastes like etc. Unfortunately it is not available in rural England :( lol.