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    @Totalanimefan: that makes sense. I feel the same definitely applies in the UK. So many times you hear of new housing developments but it's expensive houses :( it's quite disappointing. We need both types of housing to satisfy society.

Posted in FOOD MOBILE APPS Posted 3 years ago
    Olio is another one, where people share their leftovers basically.

    @Totalanimefan: there really should. There is already a housing shortage, and then any houses that are being built are super expensive. We need affordable houses. It is easy to see how people find themselves homeless in this country :( is it the same in the US?

    @Totalanimefan: I have been waiting 3 months already, idk if that is a lot or if I still have a long wait ahead of me. Idk. :( obviously I am grateful for having a roof over my head etc but I really really want a place of my own.

    @Totalanimefan: me too. It is difficult because there is such high demand for singled properties, and I am in competition with a bunch of other people in my situation. I am applying for every property that comes available but so far no luck. I just have to be patient.

    @Totalanimefan: it is sheltered (council) accommodation, so there is no lease or anything. I can stay as long as I want. It’s hard to explain sorry! I can pretty much stay however long I want, though it is supposed to be a temporary steppingstone. I am hoping to find a place of my own in the next month.

    @Totalanimefan: I don’t know if it is expensive, I suppose it is just average, I’m not sure. Obviously houses in the villages cost more than in the towns. But I will be renting. I mostly want to stay here because I am familiar with the area, though I am open to other houses. Right now I am living in a village that is close to Nottingham, and it is just too far away for my liking.

    @Totalanimefan: the kitchen is ridiculous. I have to come to my mum’s house just to be able to cook a meal lol.

    @Totalanimefan: no, no high street, just a few streets of houses. There are no shops here, aside from a small convenience store down the road. I think there is a school, and a pub, and a pharmacy.
    I would like to live in a town, not too far from the city but in the general area I grew up in. I grew up in a place called the Amber Valley, so anywhere there would be ideal, that’s where my mum and brother live.

    @Totalanimefan: it’s not urban, it’s just a medium village. It’s a nice area but it isn’t “home”. Honestly I am desperate to get my own place, this current place is just a necessary steppingstone.
    I have my own room, but everything else is shared. There isn’t even a proper kitchen, it’s basically a hallway with an oven lmao.

    @Totalanimefan: I hate living with my housemate, though we get on ok it’s just me wanting privacy, but I love living away from family. Tho I am pretty far away, in an area I don’t really know all that well. I am looking forward to getting my own place hopefully closer to my mum. My current house is an hour and a half away on the bus. Kind of a drag.

    @Totalanimefan: I recently moved out, but I’m back here most weekends. All my stuff is here. Like a few months ago I moved out. I am living with a housemate while looking for a place of my own.
    There is no spare computer unfortunately, I will have to make do without lol just my luck!

    Hey hey hey, I’m at my mum’s for the jubilee weekend. I left my keyboard behind so no working on my novel even tho I am currently ✨inspired✨LOL.

Posted in How Many Dust Bunnies Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago
    I have 6