Teatales's posts
Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
dragon: im not sure if you call t large where you at but theres about 40 going to the larp here by saturday from what I can read in the group. but theres pat 200 members in the group itself
* hope rachel aint gonna introduce herself to the prince in the town at that evnt lmao *
* hope rachel aint gonna introduce herself to the prince in the town at that evnt lmao *

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
@dragoness129: its also my first time, have been stalking the larp group for 2 years, so thought it was about time I gave it a try. As it is the night we go to wintrtime in Denmark, it will be a celebratory event aka a mask-ball with dance and fancy dresses, though it is ok for people to not be in formal wear. Which I 100% can see my character do. Like Her Sire ( thevampire changing her ) throwing her a mask, asking her to take it on and follow him, and she just be all " huh..? why.. " " We're going to a ball at the Elysium. " " A ball? at the what " so many hillarious scenarios
It ends late at niht though ( we speak 3 am ) so have to sit at the trainstation till 5 am waiting for the first train. * casual LARP-rambling of casuality *
It ends late at niht though ( we speak 3 am ) so have to sit at the trainstation till 5 am waiting for the first train. * casual LARP-rambling of casuality *

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Im not a jumper more an observer xDD unless im ovrtired of have great inspiration for new ocs( like my first LARP character I will know if is accepted tomorrow or monday. ) going to my first LARP by next saturday.. Vampire the requiem.. The scenario is called Tales of the night.
MY character I lanned out is irish, but moved to Lodon with her family at a young age, then moved to Denmark to study anthropology. She had just finished her education and found new home + job as she got turned into a vampire.. at her job xD
MY character I lanned out is irish, but moved to Lodon with her family at a young age, then moved to Denmark to study anthropology. She had just finished her education and found new home + job as she got turned into a vampire.. at her job xD

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
But Im awful at jumpin into convos makes me feel awkawrd and needly.. kind alike I do now OTL *insecurity as hawl *

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Rofl if this event is ll about chatting I defitniyl dont stand a chance, as Im terrible at keeping convos going ( thanks autism/asperger >< ) and being busy in 3 days of the events wher eI wont even be able to get to the computer X_X''
I still dont understand a bout the books thuogh ( might be because I absolutely cant focus over the extremely loud television my dad got on ) Do you need to go on different pages to find them? that was what I nderstood of the event description, but I havent found any yet got 1 oO;;
.. Though I understand this event contest-what-ever-to-call-it: find and quote an imp.
I still dont understand a bout the books thuogh ( might be because I absolutely cant focus over the extremely loud television my dad got on ) Do you need to go on different pages to find them? that was what I nderstood of the event description, but I havent found any yet got 1 oO;;
.. Though I understand this event contest-what-ever-to-call-it: find and quote an imp.

Posted in The Reaping Ritual Begins!
Posted 7 years ago
How big are the boks gonna be when they re on the weid diferent locations on Voltra? Smiley sized? or larger and easier to spot? * prepares self forstressing trought his untill I have to go to bed in 4 hours *

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
O_O * have no idea wth I'm witnessing right now * xDD

Posted in $$$$Free Money$$$$
Posted 7 years ago
Moolah...... A word I never heard or read before stepping into this thread oO

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: I'm currently reading 3 books ( the 3 I got with me home whiel visiiting my father during this week-of-break/vacation ) 1st is Anne Rices Interview with a vampire.. gonna be 3rd time I read it haha, this time more for research purpose, as Im gonna join a LARP next weekend in a vampire setting ( Vampire the requiem, if you should be curious ) the othr is a danish book in a series, it just got released last month. Ursiderne ( named after the ursids meteor storm, all books in the series are named after meteor storms, as meteorstorms have a big importance in the series ) the authour is Nanna Foss.. and last is the sea of monsters by rick riordan.. think i read it before but not too sure if I ever finished it :vanora_sweat:

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: I start my morning with a cup of tea, and end it with a cup of tea 8D Im even fortunate enough that there is a tea store here in town.. it sells more than tea, but Im only interested in their tea, especially the 'dream tea' a nice tasting tea that goes perfectly with cake/muffins or even chocolate.. Though I know a store that sells actual chocolate tea, but hey havent had th cholate tea for a long time T_T
Reading any good books lately?
Reading any good books lately?

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@lina: Hawl yea * high five *
@ravaen: Hello .u./ thank you nothing like tea and a good tale am I right?
@ravaen: Hello .u./ thank you nothing like tea and a good tale am I right?

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Lina: Then we be two with tiny bamboo tablet xD

Posted in Event Roundup: Autumn Block Party Feedback
Posted 7 years ago
I, just like one else mentioned earlier. Didnt really nootice that there was an event untill I saw someone on discord mentioning it, at which I went trough every single forumpart to find the place where the events were. Making a highlight of some sort for the event forum, ( and posible new announcements..? ) would be a nice thing.'
There eas a a lot fo reading to do, and I rather quickly lost patiece n keeping track of the different parts of the events,. So while other people mention that the npcs personalitis shone trough in whatt they did in the event, I cant say I paid much notice to them as I was busy keeping up with all the pages to make sure I got to read everything, and didnt miss anything in vyctors trivia, ( still I did.... a lot... as I ended up in general giving up on keeping track of anything in the event forums in the end. ) as well as didnt miss anything in Valetinas scavenger hunt.
For the trivis I would ave iked f the question perhaps also was to be found in the first post, instead of one having to go trough all those pages to beable to dig out what the new trivis question was. not that I joined in on the guessing. I had no idea in how o get to know all that stuff that seemed a lot easier for other people to find.
Also I didnt notice anything about te recolors or where people got that from. so i was surprised when new items got out as well as new colors unfortunately the event in the end made me poorer then I was before the event. But oh well, thats just me whos an idiot ^^;;;;;
As for the length of th desciprions of the events I agree with others. It was a bit long read, at times I had to make a finger under a line to make sure I read right. Also some people might be bad reader/ have dyslexia, so try to make i simple without too much jumping around... or more space between the sentences * have no idea of how to explain this, but like it felt like too much got crammed ogether at places, )
and yes i apoigize for all the spelling mistakes I made in this, but my brain is tired meaning my left hand is harder to control. Now I will go back to fighting getting more ohms again... *flees* ( yes i feel terrible at writing this stuff publicly too, had sorta thought it would be some sort of google questionarie thing where one cant be judged by others.. but that ust just be my broke brain and asperger speaking here )
There eas a a lot fo reading to do, and I rather quickly lost patiece n keeping track of the different parts of the events,. So while other people mention that the npcs personalitis shone trough in whatt they did in the event, I cant say I paid much notice to them as I was busy keeping up with all the pages to make sure I got to read everything, and didnt miss anything in vyctors trivia, ( still I did.... a lot... as I ended up in general giving up on keeping track of anything in the event forums in the end. ) as well as didnt miss anything in Valetinas scavenger hunt.
For the trivis I would ave iked f the question perhaps also was to be found in the first post, instead of one having to go trough all those pages to beable to dig out what the new trivis question was. not that I joined in on the guessing. I had no idea in how o get to know all that stuff that seemed a lot easier for other people to find.
Also I didnt notice anything about te recolors or where people got that from. so i was surprised when new items got out as well as new colors unfortunately the event in the end made me poorer then I was before the event. But oh well, thats just me whos an idiot ^^;;;;;
As for the length of th desciprions of the events I agree with others. It was a bit long read, at times I had to make a finger under a line to make sure I read right. Also some people might be bad reader/ have dyslexia, so try to make i simple without too much jumping around... or more space between the sentences * have no idea of how to explain this, but like it felt like too much got crammed ogether at places, )
and yes i apoigize for all the spelling mistakes I made in this, but my brain is tired meaning my left hand is harder to control. Now I will go back to fighting getting more ohms again... *flees* ( yes i feel terrible at writing this stuff publicly too, had sorta thought it would be some sort of google questionarie thing where one cant be judged by others.. but that ust just be my broke brain and asperger speaking here )

Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Another Movie Addict:
I kind of envy you for the restraint. Lol stores here already have Christmas stuff out.
I kind of envy you for the restraint. Lol stores here already have Christmas stuff out.
Haha, oh yes. christmastuff have been in the stores here since 1st week in september( or well, mostly sncks but just a week ago they starte selling calendars too )
Aso what is that '' its not a contest, but its a contest!'' you throw out there Val..? Some sort of joke..? If it is I dont get it