Teatales's posts
Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
*gives up * despite I got a good bundle of what on the list now, and despite they FINALLY have gotten pumpkins and even pumkincarving stes in the stores too ( actully i surpried they have it this early, usually they come later this month..

Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
@another movie addict: ah
... if I had known that earlier I could have abused my practicum place, as they got a load of that kind of paper.... the only bright colored paper I got is.. errr.. * glares over at hill-of-creative-cosplay-mess * some sort of patterned paper... * going to use it in my book-binding project *

Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Another Movie Addict:
@TeaTales: I wouldn't think so. Since that's not something you would take to school. She means the brightly coloured paper for itty bitties.
brightly colored paper? do you mean like cardboard-paper? oO ( in danish called karton papir ) @TeaTales: I wouldn't think so. Since that's not something you would take to school. She means the brightly coloured paper for itty bitties.

Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
*ponders if sewingpattern-construction paper is considered the kind of cotruction paper Val looks for *

Posted in Children?
Posted 7 years ago
How do you feel about children? Mostly I just feel indifferent to them. I am at jobtraining at a schoollibrary, where I also moslty dont have much to do with the kids, but when I do I tend to feel a bit awkward for some reason. Think it might just be my lack of selfesteem that bothers me there.
Do you intend to have any? No, not unless I find a partner I love very much that have a kid/kids, or want kids. I have always said that if I should want a kid it shoould be a partners child, or an adopted child.
Do you already have any? No, and I most likey wont ever. At least not of my own genes, as getting pregnant can litterally kill me. Thanks to me having suffered 2 strokes in the brain.
How do you feel about people who choose not to have them, or choose to have several? I dont mind people haing children, as long thy can afford the child and I feel they can take proper care of it. My own sister just a week ago told me that she is expecting a child due April, which had me in tears of joy for her sake, as she before had had 2 miscarriages/abortions ( the fosters died, but was to far evolved for the body to want to get rid of it itself, so had to go the hospital way... at least from what I understood on her. ) I'm sure she will be a great and supportive mother, as she really rally wat a kid of her own.
Do you intend to have any? No, not unless I find a partner I love very much that have a kid/kids, or want kids. I have always said that if I should want a kid it shoould be a partners child, or an adopted child.
Do you already have any? No, and I most likey wont ever. At least not of my own genes, as getting pregnant can litterally kill me. Thanks to me having suffered 2 strokes in the brain.
How do you feel about people who choose not to have them, or choose to have several? I dont mind people haing children, as long thy can afford the child and I feel they can take proper care of it. My own sister just a week ago told me that she is expecting a child due April, which had me in tears of joy for her sake, as she before had had 2 miscarriages/abortions ( the fosters died, but was to far evolved for the body to want to get rid of it itself, so had to go the hospital way... at least from what I understood on her. ) I'm sure she will be a great and supportive mother, as she really rally wat a kid of her own.

Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
*suspects that paringknives are what we in Denmark call herbknives ( urteknive ) *

Posted in Valentina's Scavenger Hunt! [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Hey, Val, I found some stuff for you!
Hey, Val, I found some stuff for you!

Hope I do this allright... like middle of thee night here...I know I got knitting needles somewhere, but my mom moved my sewing items around when I was hospitalized 2 years ago, so couldnt find them. Sorry.
Anyway, ltes start out with some gloves

Hoodie ( this a cosplay one but stilll a hoodie )

yarn ( embroidery-yarn, but still yarn. I got more actual yarn, but just like my knitting needles they have vanished )


Possible wildcards
Knitted open-shirt.. Im not exactly sure what to call this type of shirt.open in front, no buttons...

Wollen autumn/wintrjacket * completl ignores that I wear it year round as its my only jacket *

and earcuffs... if thats not too winter-y


And some yellow leaves if they are not way too late

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@totalanimefan: yes, but not enough ideas where to write or what to write. Im socially handicapped so forever think Im annoying/bugging the h**' outta people if I write in a thread, even more if it is a lot I wriite.. So I just end up as the forever lurker *facepalms *
@another movie addict: again its the insecurities that breaks in, as well as me not really knowing what I find interesting... yes I like rping but I do not trust rping with people outside of a danish forum page, or from dA groups. after certain events. >>; cant really join in on pokemon/harry potter talk ( or well I guess I can on harry potter now that I have finally rad all the books... still not seen all movies though ) I'm forever behind on things.
sorry for my rambles..
@another movie addict: again its the insecurities that breaks in, as well as me not really knowing what I find interesting... yes I like rping but I do not trust rping with people outside of a danish forum page, or from dA groups. after certain events. >>; cant really join in on pokemon/harry potter talk ( or well I guess I can on harry potter now that I have finally rad all the books... still not seen all movies though ) I'm forever behind on things.
sorry for my rambles..

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
I feel like a cheapskate for not buying al the event items but only those I think I might use on my avatar at some point. Else I would definitly be bankrupt now * glares at my few 3k volts which Is litterally the most I ever had since the day I joined and spendt all the volts on wear + hair*

Posted in October Crates and New Commons!
Posted 7 years ago
Horns, wings and tails.. 3 of my favourit things on OC's 8D
Looks great,
Looks great,

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
autosave on merchant sites can be a huge pain... * casually reminded to activate my new bankcard, that looks super fancy unlike any card ever seen. *

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
That was just how I felt this morning, and when i had a nap...

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
or are we? xD Nah m just sitting with 3 clocks showuing 3 different times.. * have no idea which to trust as they all are digital*

Posted in Look at the new emojis!
Posted 7 years ago
someone ate some of my cookie
also I cant help but love the 'happy bernard' xD :bernard_happy: